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Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge

Bonners Ferry, Idaho
August 22, 2006

Current Event, August 22, 2006

When I was in Idaho in August I took a trip up North and visited the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge, a 2700 acre refuge near Bonners Ferry and the Canadian border.

Over 300 different species of wildlife can be found on Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge, indicating the richness and diversity this area holds. The refuge not only serves as valuable habitat for resident and migratory wildlife, but provides a nice stopping point for visitors to get out and enjoy some of the vast natural beauty Boundary County has to offer. The refuge receives approximately 20,000 visitors annually; bringing together people from all nationalities and different backgrounds for the enjoyment of our Nation's natural wildlife resources.

The photo above was taken on a deck that overlooks part of the wetlands, one of the different types of habitat the refuge includes.

Learn more about the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge.