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Honoring Idaho's Patriots

Normandy American Cemetery, France
June 30, 2008

Current Event, June 30, 2008

While on my trip to France, I stopped to pay my respects to our U.S. soldiers who have been laid to rest at the Normandy American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer. I was honored to visit the gravesite of an Idahoan--Private First Class Leslie E. Tyler. Private Tyler was a member of the 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division and a Purple Heart recipient. He was killed on July 4, 1944. He was from Minidoka County.

I have had the privilege to visit many of our cemeteries abroad, and I am proud to have been a part of the effort over the years to make sure they are well taken care of and are places of pride and honor for our bravest citizens and their families. Learn more about our Veterans and explore the stories of these brave men and women who have fought to preserve our freedom.