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Capital Coffee and Visitor Services

Washington, DC
February 12, 2008

Current Event, February 12, 2008

Each Tuesday that the Senate is in session, I invite all Idahoans who happen to be in our nation's capital to join me for coffee in my office in suite 520 of the Hart Senate Office Building. Coffees begin at 9am, which is when my office opens, and last about thirty minutes.

It's a great opportunity to visit informally about what's going on back home, or what issues most concern you—the folks I represent.

A Senate photographer is usually available to take pictures, should you want a memento of your visit. Guests are encouraged to come as they are and to dress comfortably, especially if the day's agenda includes seeing any of the historic sights in and around the Capitol Building.

If you are planning to be in Washington, DC, check out my Visitor Services page; it includes a schedule of Capital Coffees as well as information regarding tours of the White House and US Capitol.