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Divine Strake Informational Meeting

Boise, ID
January 28, 2007

Current Event, January 28, 2007

I spent a recent Sunday afternoon at an informational meeting asking questions and learning about the proposed "Divine Strake" non-nuclear test in Nevada. I also heard from concerned constituents who want to learn about any potential harm from the test.

I requested the meeting so that all Idahoans would have a chance to learn and ask questions, something that was not offered to us during the nuclear tests in Nevada in the 1950s.

If you would like to comment on the Divine Strake Environmental Assessment Documents, you can mail your comments to:
Divine Strake Comments
PO Box 98518
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8518
Comments can also be faxed to (702) 295-0625 or emailed to divinestrake@nv.doe.gov.