Foreign Policy


I voted against the resolution authorizing the invasion of Iraq, and I will continue to work in the Senate to bring this war to a rapid close.  Our open-ended military engagement in Iraq puts an enormous strain on our armed forces and their families, diverts attention from terrorist activity in other parts of the world, and costs U.S. taxpayers an estimated $3 billion each week.  It is time for the U.S. to bring our troops home.  


I fully supported the NATO mission in Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban’s repressive regime, a regime that served as a direct accessory to the attacks of September 11th.  Redeployment from Iraq should be coupled with a renewed commitment to stemming the growing tide of violence and reversing the build-up of Taliban and al-Qaeda insurgents in Afghanistan.


The Chinese government’s record on human rights is abysmal.  Free speech is restricted, political opposition is suppressed, minorities are discriminated against, and workers are exploited.  Unfortunately, current U.S. trade policy rewards these abuses by providing China with nearly unfettered access to American markets, an economic boon for China and a job-killer for the United States.  Clearly, this arrangement is counter to both American values and American interests.  

The U.S. should instead be using its economic and political leverage to demand that China provide its people with basic freedoms and refrain from trade practices that distort and corrupt international markets.  Fair treatment of historically mistreated ethnic minorities like Uyghurs and Tibetans, recognition of an autonomous Taiwan, enforceable environmental and labor standards, an end to currency manipulation, and stronger product safety regulations would all be welcome reforms, and the U.S. should continue to press China until these issues are resolved.


Civilians in Sudan are being systematically murdered, raped, and brutalized by the government and other forces.  The world has recognized these atrocities, but has done little to intervene.  The United States and the international community must work together to end the genocide.  In Congress, I have supported sanctions on those responsible (Public Law 109-344), divestment from companies that do business with the Khartoum government (S. 831 and Public Law 110–174), urged the Chinese to use their influence to end the violence (S. Res. 203), and called for the swift deployment of a United Nations-African Union peacekeeping force (S. Res. 276).  I will continue to support actions that provide aid and relief to those in the Darfur region.


Bringing about a peaceful resolution to the chaos in Somalia is of key importance for global stability.  The United States and the international community must provide aid to the Somali people – both current citizens and international refugees – and support robust efforts to protect human rights, peacefully settle the conflict, and establish a transparent and democratic political process in Somalia.  That is why I cosponsored the Somalia Stabilization and Reconstruction Act (S. 492), which would establish an International Donor Trust Fund for Somalia and authorize the President to support an international peacekeeping force there.

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