Food Stamps

The Food Stamp Program is our nation’s first line of defense against hunger. For millions of American children and their families, food stamps literally are a lifeline, providing desperately needed access to a basic necessity.

Although the Food Stamp Program is a critical part of our nation’s safety net, it is woefully under funded. Benefit levels are too low and many people who need help are not eligible and fall through the cracks because of the complicated eligibility process.

In Ohio, Food Stamp benefits only last two and a half weeks each month and provide about $1 per person per meal. The consequences of hunger are real, particularly for children. Hunger breeds sickness, compromises the ability to learn, and fuels serious behavioral problems.

As a member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, I am working hard to raise the benefit levels and index those benefits to inflation to meet the rising costs of food and other expenses. In a country as vibrant and wealthy as the United States, there is no reason why any man, woman, or child should go to bed hungry.

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