Update From U.S. Senator John Cornyn
May 9, 2007

Update from U.S. Senator John Cornyn

May, 2007 Vol. I

Dear Friend,

This month, the Senate will again attempt to secure the nation’s borders and repair our broken immigration system. This Congress has the responsibility to resolve one of the most urgent issues facing our nation. My hope is that we will achieve workable solutions in the coming months. If we don’t, this critical problem may well become bogged down in 2008 presidential election politics. I will continue doing all I can to pass a balanced, common sense bill that restores respect for the rule of law and protects our economy. Reform will not be easy, but the current situation is unacceptable.
Last week in San Antonio, I opened a hearing of the President’s bipartisan Commission on Care for America’s Returning Wounded Warriors. I reiterated the critical need to improve the delivery of health care and benefits for our military and veterans, and emphasized the importance of removing bureaucratic hurdles. We have an obligation to ensure that our military men and women who serve our nation are receiving the best treatment and benefits for themselves and their families.
I called today for a bipartisan effort to reduce rising gas prices. The best way to achieve this is to increase domestic energy supply and remove regulatory impediments blocking new refineries. That will also reduce our dependence on foreign energy. We should also continue pushing for alternative energy sources, including nuclear, clean coal burning technology, biofuels and wind energy.
For more information about these and other topics, please read below or go directly to my Web site. To receive additional updates, please select some of the issues listed on the right. It’s an honor to serve you in the United States Senate.
U.S. Sen. John Cornyn 

Latest on the Issues
Texas Recovers from Storm Damage
Visit to Eagle Pass: It was encouraging that President Bush quickly approved our request for federal emergency disaster assistance for several Texas counties recovering from storms. This will help these areas—including Denton, Maverick, Moore and Swisher Counties—get back on their feet. I traveled to Eagle Pass, which was hit particularly hard, to visit with affected families and determine what additional help is needed. I continue working with local leaders and the Texas congressional delegation to ensure we meet the state’s recovery needs.
Protecting the Law Enforcement Community
Senator Cornyn meets with a law enforcement representatives in Houston, Tx. to discuss the Daniel Faulkner Law Enforcement Officers and Judges Protection Act - April 27, 2007The Daniel Faulkner Law Enforcement Officers and Judges Protection Act: I recently traveled to Houston and Longview to discuss new legislation I’ve introduced to protect law enforcement officers, judges and other courthouse officials. The bill will strengthen criminal penalties against those who seek to target and harm these dedicated public servants. We must do everything possible to protect them, bring their killers to justice and support their work fighting crime. I had the opportunity to meet with members of the law enforcement and judicial communities in East Texas and Houston. This legislation is important to them, and I hope it receives bipartisan support in Congress.

Funding the Troops
Emergency Supplemental Bill:  Democrats continue to stall an emergency bill to provide funding for the troops. The President was forced to veto legislation last week because it included an artificial timeline for withdrawal from Iraq and billions of dollars in unrelated pork barrel spending. We must pass a clean bill as quickly as possible to provide these critical resources to our troops.
Local Input on Border Security
Securing the Border: As we move forward with border security efforts, I remain committed to ensuring that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security consults with local border officials, landowners and other stakeholders. An open dialogue and local consultation will improve our effectiveness. In meetings with Secretary Chertoff several times this year, he has made clear that he shares this commitment. We intend to hold him to it. 
Immigration Case Load
The Federal Criminal Immigration Courts Act:  I recently co-sponsored legislation to provide much needed relief to the federal judiciary in Texas and other states along the Southwest Border that are struggling with the increased demands caused by the rapidly rising number of immigration cases. A judicial panel study recently called for two additional permanent judges in the Southern District of Texas and one permanent judge for the Western District of Texas. The need for new judgeships to handle the growing number of cases is long overdue.
Coastal Protection Funding
Senator Cornyn meets with local officials, business and community leaders from Pearland and Clear Lake - April 28, 2007Visits to Pearland, Clear Lake:  I recently met with local officials, and business and community leaders from Pearland, Clear Lake and the surrounding area to discuss recently announced funding allocations for coastal protection. The U.S. Department of the Interior has allocated $48,591,202 to Texas for the Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP). The funding will be used for coastal protection and restoration, including conservation, planning assistance and infrastructure projects.
Opportunities for Texans
Preparing for Hurricane Season
Hurricane Season Begins June 1:  We are less than one month away from the start of hurricane season, which means it’s important for Texans to prepare now and protect their properties. Click here for tips on how to protect your home and assets from floods – America’s number one natural hazard.
Come By and Say Hello: If you travel to Washington for business or pleasure, please consider visiting my U.S. Senate office. Every Tuesday morning when the Senate is in session, I host an open house at 9:15 a.m. Please contact Wes Sholtes in my office at 202-224-2934 to let us know you’ll be coming and to get the best directions. 
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Recent Video:
Click here to watch streaming video of Sen. Cornyn Calling for Bipartisan Action to Address Rising Gas Prices - April 8, 2007
Click here to watch streaming video of Sen. Cornyn Calling for Bipartisan Action to Address Rising Gas Prices - April 8, 2007

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