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Economic Development

Continuing Economic Development Efforts

Expanding Montana’s Economic Reach

Over the years, I've helped Montana businesses expand and we've worked to attract new companies to our state. I worked hard to bring GE to Billings, DirecTV and its call center to Missoula, and the Centene claims processing center to Great Falls.  My efforts continue to seek investment by major businesses in Montana.

Ninety-six percent of the world's consumers are outside the United States, and I've been working to introduce them to Montana's products. In recent years, I've led trade missions with Montanans to China, India, New Zealand, and Australia.  Each trip reveals new opportunities and new markets for Montana business and agriculture.  And I’ve worked hard to leverage resources to help Montana businesses take advantage of all of these opportunities. I've brought ambassadors from almost twenty countries to Montana to explore business opportunities. Introducing the world to Montana's economy ensures that we will remain competitive as the world grows smaller.

Fixing the Estate Tax

I support repealing the estate tax because of the threat that it poses to Montana’s ranchers, farmers, and small businesses. However, there are Republicans and Democrats that feel strongly about keeping the estate tax in place.  This leaves us short of the votes needed to repeal the estate tax.  In the absence of votes to repeal the estate tax, we have to come up with a viable solution that will pass Congress, and give real relief to Montanans.  I know that accomplishing an estate tax overhaul this year won’t be easy.   But that doesn’t mean we won’t get it done.  I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and work with Senators to get a reform proposal that will benefit Montana.

Putting Montana’s Economy First

I had three rules at the first Economic Development Summit I organized, in 2001. These are rules I continue to live by in order to keep our momentum going and create good paying jobs:

No politics. There's just no room for politics when it comes to Montana's economy. It's about working together and doing what's right for our economy. As the sign on my desk says, "Montana Comes First!"
Private-Sector Driven Solutions. Private-public partnerships are key to providing the right environment to help our economy grow.
Nothing is off the table. An open mind and outside-the-box thinking are essential in this new economy. I'll continue to work together to find new ways to create the jobs that will let our kids stay in Montana to raise their families.


Making America More Competitive

Today, America faces a world more integrated, more interdependent, and more intensely competitive than ever in our history.  We face new competitors abroad, including China and India, and we face growing uncertainty as the world changes faster each day.

I've been working to make sure Montana and America face up to these challenges and succeed.  To succeed tomorrow, I believe that we must invest in making America more competitive today.  So I'm promoting a comprehensive competitiveness agenda for America.

Education is the foundation of a successful economy.  My agenda will create scholarships and provide tax incentives for early education, science, math, and engineering teachers.  It will provide matching funds to offer universal early education, double the number of advanced placement courses in our high schools, and make higher education accessible for all income levels.  My agenda will support after school and mentoring programs, and restore our commitment to Indian education.  It will create grants for outstanding young scientists, and encourage companies to get involved in making our schools the world's best.

Energy fuels a successful economy, but high costs are hurting America's competitiveness.  My agenda looks to the future and creates the new Advanced Research Projects Agency -- Energy, to conduct transformative research and create alternative energy solutions.  While this research looks for tomorrow's energy alternative, my agenda also encourages today's alternative energies like coal gasification technology, wind, and other alternative fuels.

Research and Experimentation are what America does best, but the rest of the world is catching up.  My agenda simplifies and makes permanent the research and experimentation tax credit for innovators looking for tomorrow's next big thing.  It also provides access to start-up capital for small, research-intensive businesses and encourages support of basic university research.

International Trade is vital to Montana's farmers, ranchers, and businessmen, but they must have a level global playing field.  My agenda creates a Senate-confirmed trade enforcement official who is dedicated to guaranteeing our trading partners play by the rules.  It also gives the Treasury Department the tools that keep countries from unfairly manipulating their currencies to keep their exports cheap.