Welcome to the issues section of my website. Here you can learn more about specific issues that directly affect Nevada and the people who live here. As your senator, I work every day to improve the quality of life in our state. Whether it is investing in our children’s education, ensuring the readiness of our homeland security systems and personnel, or working to create more affordable and accessible health care, Nevada will always come first. To find out more about specific issues and to see my positions and legislative actions in each area, please select from the list below.

America's Armed Forces are unequaled in strength, unrivaled in professionalism, and unprecedented in success. As our troops defend our nation in Iraq, and Afghanistan we must ensure that our military stays the strongest fighting force in the world. As Nevada's soldiers and premier military facilities make valuable contributions to America's defense, I remain committed to ensuring that Nevada's military personnel and their families have the necessary resources and support. America's security must come first.

Education has always been at the heart of achievement in America. As someone whose life was transformed by education, I know first hand the importance of giving every child in Nevada and the nation a quality education. I am fighting for an agenda that will help Nevada schools address their unique needs as they work to provide a quality education and improve student achievement. There is no better investment for our nation's future than creating world-class schools.

Energy independence is one of the greatest challenges of our generation. An average family of four will spend over three thousand dollars more on gasoline this year. Heating bills are expected to rise about four-hundred dollars for homes that rely on natural gas or heating oil. America can do better.

One of the best legacies we can leave to our children is a clean environment and a history of preservation of our natural beauty and wilderness. We always will need clean water to drink and safe air to breathe. While we have made much progress over the last thirty years, it is critical that we maintain our strong commitment to safeguarding our nation's natural heritage and protecting our environment.

Health Care
I want to make quality, affordable health care available to every Nevadan by cutting costs, improving quality, and expanding access. I am also committed to protecting Nevadans from existing and emerging threats to health by funding research on diseases and preparing the nation for a potential pandemic.

Homeland Security
Police, firefighters, and emergency personnel are our first line of homeland defense, and we must provide them with the necessary resources to protect Nevada's residents and visitors. Nevada had 37 million visitors in 2004. Additionally, McCarran International Airport is the nation's seventh largest airport, and southern Nevada is home to 18 of the 20 largest hotels. In the case of an emergency such as a terrorist attack, these tourists as well as our residents would need the protection of our local emergency responders.

While I am strongly opposed to illegal immigration and believe that our immigration laws should be strictly enforced, there is near-universal agreement that our system is broken and in need of reform.

Law Enforcement
When I was raising my family and attending law school, I also worked as a U.S. Capitol Police Officer. Today, I still feel a special bond with those who protect our communities. I have worked to provide more resources for our law enforcement community, meet the greater demands of homeland security since September 11, 2001, protect an officer's right to carry firearms, fight the drug war domestically as well as internationally, and protect our children from abduction.

Social Security
Social Security reflects the best of America's values. It promises all Americans that if they work hard and play by the rules, they can retire and live in dignity. Social Security is not a handout. It is a benefit that senior citizens earn, by working and paying into the system.

Since my first days in Congress, I have been committed to making our tax system fairer. I have focused on protecting the rights of our nation's taxpayers through IRS reform, providing relief to middle-class taxpayers, and cracking down on corporate tax loopholes.

Technology has transformed our economy over the last ten years. I have been working hard to strengthen Nevada's high-technology sector, to close the digital divide, and to provide our students with the skills they need to thrive in high-technology industries. I was proud to be named the Information Technology Industry Council's High Tech Legislator of the Year for my work on this issue, and I will continue doing everything I can at the federal level to maintain America's global competitiveness.

Nevada is the fastest growing state in the nation with about 6,000 new residents every month and millions of visitors every year. We must continue to invest in our transportation infrastructure to keep pace with this rapid growth and reduce traffic congestion, accidents, and pollution. This is why improving our transportation system is one of my top priorities. I have been working hard to bring federal funds to Nevada to build better roads, public transit, and airports in the Silver State.

I am a strong supporter of our nation's veterans. I believe we all owe a debt to the millions of Americans who have served in our armed services. Learn more about some of the veterans initiatives I support.

I share the concerns of many women in Nevada who worry about how they can access quality health care, advance in the workplace, and support their families. We must continue to address the needs of half of Nevada's residents, or the more than one million women who call the Silver State home. Since entering the Senate, I have launched several initiatives to expand opportunities and open doors for Nevada women.

Yucca Mountain
The Department of Energy (DOE) wants to move the most deadly, high-level nuclear waste in America to a dump at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Ever since I was elected to Congress, I have been fighting this project because it threatens our health and safety. Nevadans are overwhelmingly opposed to this Project, and some have been led to believe that its completion is inevitable. I disagree. We have solid scientific evidence behind us, and I believe we can defeat this ill-conceived project.



Bruce R. Thompson
Courthouse & Federal Bldg
400 S. Virginia St, Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-686-5750
Fax: 775-686-5757

Washington DC

528 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542
Fax: 202-224-7327
Toll Free for Nevadans:
1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343)

Carson City

600 East William St, #302
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-882-REID (7343)
Fax: 775-883-1980

Las Vegas

Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard
South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020
Fax: 702-388-5030

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