Constituent Services Center
  • Contact Us
    Get in touch with Congressman Davis and his staff to answer questions or to put you in touch with agencies that can help you.

  • Feedback
    Send us your thoughts about current issues and the operations of this web site and how we may be better able to assist you.

  • Internships
    Interested in an internship working for Congressman Davis? Here's the information you need.

  • Town Hall Slides
    Discussing Social Security (Power point presentation - opens in a new window)

  • Tour Requests
    Information on White House, Capitol and other tours.

  • Consumer Education

  • Flag Requests

  • Military Academy Information
    If you are interested in attending one of the service academies, you'll need a recomendation from your Congressman.

  • Funding Your College Education
    There are several options for paying for college these days. And even more options for students in Virginia.

  • Immigration/Visa Questions
    Information on visas, passports, and related issues.

  • Eagle Scout Commendation Letter
    Information for Boy Scout troop leaders seeking letters of commendation for eagle scouts.
Congressman Tom Davis | 11th District Virginia | Privacy Policy