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9/11/2008 Davis Statement on the 2008 September 11 Resolution
9/10/2008 Davis, Committee Republicans Demand MMS Probe Continue
9/9/2008 Davis Statement on Proposed DC Gun Laws Legislation
7/23/2008 Davis: ‘Dual-Eligibles’ Thriving in Part D
7/21/2008 Davis Again Calls for Bloch Investigation
7/17/2008 Davis to Waxman: Widen Yellowcake Probe
7/17/2008 Additional Views on the Tillman Report
7/16/2008 Davis’ “O’Leary Amendment” Approved by Committee
7/16/2008 Long Time Coming: Davis Lauds ‘Huge Day in Guard History’
7/9/2008 Manufacturers of FEMA Trailers and Elevated Formaldehyde Levels
7/9/2008 Davis on FEMA Hearing: “Government Confusion, not Industry Conspiracy”
7/9/2008 Davis Statement on Motion to Recommitt
7/2/2008 Major League Baseball Responds to Committee Questions
6/30/2008 Davis Calls for Hearing on Electronic Benefit Transfer
6/19/2008 Examining Grantmaking Practices at the Department of Justice
6/19/2008 Paid Parental Leave Bill Passes House
6/11/2008 2010 Census: Assessing the Census Bureau’s Progress”
6/11/2008 Davis-Van Hollen-Hoyer Measure Bolsters Metro
6/3/2008 Davis Pleased Telework, Data Breach Notification Bills Pass House By Voice Vote
5/22/2008 Accountability Lapses in Multiple Funds for Iraq
5/21/2008 EPA’s New Ozone Standards
5/20/2008 Davis Says Government Shows Slight Improvement on Information Security
5/19/2008 Davis: Waxman Disputes White House Authority Over Executive Branch Agency
5/15/2008 Should FDA Drug and Medical Device Regulation Bar State Liability Claims?
5/13/2008 Davis Says Hearing on FDA Pre-Emption Poses the Wrong Questions
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