House Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
Ranking Member

Fiscally responsible reforms for students, workers and retirees.



Press Release

August 16, 2008

CONTACT: Alexa Marrero
(202) 225-4527

McKeon: Democrats’ Rhetoric No Substitute for Action on Energy Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), the senior Republican on the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee, today issued the following statement in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s radio address on energy. 

“With Republicans fighting relentlessly on behalf of the American people for real energy reform, it’s clear that the Democratic leadership has finally recognized this is an issue they cannot ignore.  America’s schools, small businesses, workers, and families are crying out for relief as high gas prices squeeze their budgets and strain our economy.  Unfortunately, the Democrats’ newfound interest in energy policy is marked by rhetoric, not real action. 

“If the Speaker was truly interested in allowing Congress to vote on a plan to put our nation on the path to energy independence, we would have taken up the American Energy Act, the ‘all of the above’ plan put forward by congressional Republicans.  Instead, Democrats gave themselves a five week vacation and told the American people they would just have to wait.  When it comes to energy reform, Democrats have quite simply failed to lead.”

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