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Ross Receives Commitment from House Democratic Leadership for Vote on Drilling

Washington – U.S. Representative Mike Ross (D-Prescott) issued the following statement today after receiving a commitment from House Democratic Leadership for a vote on energy legislation that includes responsible drilling:

“It is crucial that we address the energy crisis in America now with comprehensive energy legislation that includes both responsible drilling and investments in alternative and renewable energy.

“Today, I met with House Democratic Leadership and they gave their firm commitment that the House will vote on energy legislation next week that will include responsible domestic drilling in order to make our nation more energy independent.

“Many of the provisions in my bill I introduced in February, the American Made Energy Act of 2008, are included in this bi-partisan legislation which represents the largest expansion of domestic drilling in our nation’s history as well as one of the largest investments in alternative and renewable energy.

“We aren’t facing a Republican energy crisis or a Democratic energy crisis – we are facing an American energy crisis.  It is time both parties come together and pass comprehensive energy legislation before it is too late.  We must act now.”
