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Murphy Leads Tour of Flood Control Project
August 12, 2008  - Over 30 years ago, an extensive flood control project cleared Chartiers Creek and created additional channels for water overflow. However, the original design of the Fulton Flood control project had an unintended consequence of sediment and debris build-up, blocking off the Chartiers Creek and addin... More

House Passes Murphy Legislation to Save Lives on College Campuses
August 1, 2008  - Today the House passed language authored by Congressman Tim Murphy’s (PA-18) that breaks down the legal barriers preventing colleges from communicating with the parents of students in need of help.  Murphy’s language passed as part of The College Opportunity and Affordability Act, H.R. 4137. “... More

Breakaway Group of Republicans and Democrats Put Forward Comprehensive Energy Solution
July 30, 2008  - Over weeks of closed door sessions hammering out details, a group of 20 Republicans and Democrats came together to break the logjam in Congress on energy policy.  Representing energy-rich Southwestern Pennsylvania, Congressman Tim Murphy (PA-18) played a key role in drafting this legislation, t... More

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