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December 6, 2001

Today we are announcing a bipartisan agreement on a matter of national importance – our preparedness against bioterrorism. We all know why legislation is needed, and why it is needed now. That urgency has led Chairman Tauzin, me, and many members of our Committee to work together over the past several weeks to develop balanced legislation that could be enacted quickly. This is not the final word on these matters, but it is an excellent beginning.

The Act authorizes funds for planning, preparation, and response activity across the board, with special emphasis on the state and local level. The resources provided in this bill will go directly and quickly to those in the front lines who need them. Also, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) receives crucial support for its facilities and its capacity to respond to public health emergencies.

The bill also has important new protections for the Nation’s food supply, an area of particular and longstanding concern to me. We provide new inspection resources for imported food, but these are only a down payment on what will ultimately be necessary. New authorities, including registration and detention, will help the Secretary manage imports more efficiently and effectively. I look forward to working with the Chairman next year to assess ongoing food safety vulnerabilities.

There are many other excellent provisions, including improvement of drinking water supply safety and tighter controls on dangerous biological agents. These are all important steps, and they are steps that should be taken now.

This bill has been developed in the finest bipartisan tradition of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, although under more severe time constraints than any of us would have preferred. I thank Chairman Tauzin, and I also thank all the members of the Committee for their hard work and their understanding as this process has gone forward. This is a result that we can all be proud of.


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(Contact:  Laura Sheehan, 202-225-3641)


Prepared by the Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515