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Statement of Congressman John D. Dingell, Chairman
Committee on Energy and Commerce



March 13, 2008

The Committee will consider several bipartisan bills that will improve our environment and enhance the health and well-being of the public.  I commend Chairmen Pallone and Boucher and Ranking Members Deal and Upton for their leadership.

H.R. 3754 would authorize the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), when it settles cases alleging environmental violations, to continue entering settlement agreements.  These agreements provide defendants with credit for funding clean diesel projects that reduce emissions from diesel trucks, buses, and other engines.  The Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality forwarded this legislation to the full Committee by a voice vote.

This bill addresses an unintended consequence of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which authorized $200 million for an EPA grant program to retrofit or replace old diesel engines. In authorizing this specific grant program, we did not intend to cut off the private funding resulting from enforcement cases.  Nonetheless, it appears that is what we have done. 

H.R. 3754 solves this problem by authorizing EPA to accept clean diesel programs as Supplemental Environmental Projects.

This is a good bill that enhances a successful environmental program supported by industry and environmentalists.

We will also consider seven bipartisan public health bills that will improve health and save the lives of children, women, seniors, and those suffering from debilitating injuries.

On Tuesday night, the Subcommittee on Health amended each of these bills to strengthen and clarify their intent, and implement technical and conforming changes.  They were all favorably forwarded to the full Committee for its consideration by voice vote.

H.R. 1198 will reauthorize the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  This program directs Federal agencies to work with States to develop screening and early intervention programs for newborn infant hearing.

H.R. 2464 reauthorizes the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) program within HHS.  It seeks to ensure state-of-the-art emergency medical care for ill or injured children and adolescents.

H.R. 1237 modernizes Federal regulations with respect to those who screen and interpret Pap tests.

H.R. 3701 directs HHS to oversee and support national and local education campaigns to reduce falls and prevent repeat falls among older adults.

H.R. 2063 provides schools with uniform guidance on how to create appropriate management and emergency plans for children with food allergies.

H.R. 3825 facilitates Federal guidelines on newborn screening, improves education, outreach, and follow-up care, and improves laboratory quality and surveillance for newborn screening.

Lastly, H.R. 1418 further authorizes research and public health activities related to trauma and traumatic brain injury.

I commend the Members who have sponsored these important bills for their leadership and diligent work—Representatives Capps, Matheson, Gordon, and Pallone, who serve on this Committee, as well as Reps. Lowey, Roybal-Allard, and Pascrell.  I encourage my colleagues to support these bills and report each of them favorably to the House.

Prepared by the Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515