United States Senator - Gordon Smith
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Making quality education affordable and more accessible to every American is one of my top priorities as a U.S. Senator.

While it is of the utmost importance that we hold our schools and our teachers to the highest standards, the federal government must also support schools’ efforts to improve. For this reason, I have consistently voted to support more federal government spending on education.

During my years in the Senate, I have been a constant advocate for Head Start and Early Head Start. I have long supported increased funding for both programs, and I appreciate the relationships I have developed with the early education community. These programs have a tremendous impact on the lives of the children and families they serve.

I have also worked with my Senate colleagues to launch an initiative that will help parents and children save and pay for their education needs. The proposals build on the various tax cuts and education reforms that Congress passed as part of the No Child Left Behind Act. I also introduced a bill aimed at helping people save money for college and have voted to increase the maximum Pell grant award.

Education should be a priority for all Americans and requires no less than the support of both the federal government and state governments to improve academic performance.

Related Press Releases
 07-31 -  Smith Legislation to Help Rural Students Attend College Poised to Become Law
 02-06 -  Smith, Brown Announce New Legislation to Help Rural Students Attend College
 09-14 -  Student Aid Boosted by $20 Billion
 09-12 -  Proposal Threatens Parents Role in Early Education
 06-07 -  Smith and Wyden Set Agenda for 110th Congress
 05-02 -  Sen. Smith Joins Bono in Push for Education for All
Other Issues :
  Defense and Foreign Policy
  Health Care
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  Senators Smith and Wyden's 110th Congress Bipartisan Agenda
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