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Manzullo Hails President's Decision to Lift Ban on Offshore U.S. Oil Drilling, Reduce Gas Prices
House Democrat leaders only obstacle left to abundant American energy supplies

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Washington, Jul 14 -

Congressman Don Manzullo (R-Egan) today hailed President Bush’s decision to lift the decades-old executive order banning drilling of oil and natural gas along the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) as a way to ease our dependence on costly foreign oil and reduce gas prices in America.


Although the President lifted the executive ban today, the Democrat-controlled House and Senate maintain a Congressional ban on offshore drilling. Unfortunately, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on legislation to lift the Congressional ban, despite the fact that many Democrat Members of Congress support offshore drilling. Conservative estimates indicate the OCS contains 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.


“We are one vote away from easing our dependence on costly oil and reducing gas prices in America,” Manzullo said. “I urge Speaker Pelosi to allow us to vote to end the Congressional ban on offshore drilling so we can increase our supplies of homegrown energy. Americans have had enough of these record gas prices and higher natural gas prices are just around the corner. It’s time for Congress to act.”


More than 112 billion barrels of oil exist within our borders and along our shores – enough to power 60 million cars for 60 years – and Americans should be allowed to extract the oil as part of our plan to reduce surging gas prices in America, Manzullo said. Unfortunately, House Democrat leaders have refused to call for a vote any legislation that allows extraction for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR – exploration would occur on 2,000 acres of the 19 million acre refuge), along the Outer Continental Shelf off our coasts (Congress banned drilling along the OCS in 1981), and on other federal lands in the United States. Manzullo added there are now more environmentally friendly and safer offshore oil and gas extraction methods today.


Manzullo’s 12-point plan to reduce surging gas prices in America, unveiled last month, includes provisions to increase domestic production of oil and gas as well as 11 other points calling for enhanced conservation efforts, development and commercialization of alternative and renewable fuels, and tax relief.

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