
What is Podcasting?

A podcast is an audio file that you download and listen to on your computer or a portable MP3 player such as an iPod. The word itself comes from the combination of two other words: iPod and broadcast.

How can I listen?
Since podcasts are really just MP3 files, you can listen using any number of free players that are easily available.

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September 11, 2008
Tom discusses his continued efforts to secure funds to aid in Iowa’s disaster recovery

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 4.39MB
Duration: 4 minutes 47 seconds

July 31, 2008
Tom discusses his upcoming travels through Iowa during August and he announces more than $10 billion in supplemental appropriations funding for disaster relief in Iowa and other states hit by natural disasters.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.26MB
Duration: 2 minutes 28 seconds

July 24, 2008
Tom Harkin discusses the 18th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which he was the chief sponsor of in the Senate. The legislation passed with broad bipartisan support, but court actions have weakened the law by significantly narrowing the category of who qualifies as an "individual with a disability." Tom is working to remedy this problem and plans to introduce legislation soon that would address the injustices Americans with disabilities are facing in the workplace and restore the promise of the original law.

Senator Harkin also announced that he will be presenting the Frank Harkin Memorial Award to Senator Ted Kennedy who played a critical role in helping pass the ADA in 1990.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.28MB
Duration: 2 minutes 29 seconds

July 17, 2008
Tom talks about new legislation he is introducing called the Biofuels Pipeline Act. Tom also talks about his continued efforts to aid in Iowa's disaster recovery.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.85MB
Duration: 3 minutes 6 seconds

July 10, 2008
Tom talks about his work to secure funds to aid in Iowa’s disaster recovery.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.66MB
Duration: 2 minutes 53 seconds

June 26, 2008
Tom gives updates on important legislation being acted upon now.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 3.40MB
Duration: 3 minutes 42 seconds

June 18, 2008
Tom talks about the great job the people of Iowa, the local government and groups have done in responding to the disasters in Iowa

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 840KB
Duration: 53 seconds

June 12, 2008
Tom expresses his sadness regarding the boys who died in the tragedy at the Little Sioux Boy Scout camp. Tom also talks about recovery efforts ongoing throughout the state.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.98MB
Duration: 3 minutes 15 seconds

June 4, 2008
Tom talks about the damaging weather that has hit Iowa

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.57MB
Duration: 2 minutes 48 seconds

May 15, 2008
Tom holds a press conference after the passage of the farm bill in the Senate

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 5.73MB
Duration: 3 minutes 7 seconds

May 1, 2008
Tom talks about the Farm Bill negotiations and discusses some of the items contained within the Farm Bill.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 3.13MB
Duration: 3 minutes 25 seconds

April 24, 2008
Tom gives an update on the status of the farm bill.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 4.91MB
Duration: 2 minutes 40 seconds

February 14, 2008
Tom talks about toll the Iraq war is taking on our soldiers and the need to care for them when they return home.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.25MB
Duration: 2 minutes 27 seconds

February 7, 2008
Tom announces the Senate farm bill conferees and urges the bill's progress while President Bush digs in his heels with another veto threat.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.44MB
Duration: 2 minutes 40 seconds

January 31, 2008
Tom talks about his work to keep the farm bill moving forward.

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File Type: MP3
File Size: 2.92MB
Duration: 3 minutes 11 seconds

Archived Podcasts