Ohio Chapter Staff and Leadership


Robert Shields

Chapter Chair, Ohio Chapter

Bobs-Picture1Bob discovered the outdoors, nature, and conservation as a Boy Scout growing up in New Jersey. As an avid hiker, kayaker, and road cyclist, he has visited locations throughout the Sierras, Rockies, and New England. He attended SUNY College of Forestry & Environmental Science, receiving master’s degrees in Botany and Curriculum and Instruction.

After completing his degrees, he enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard and spent two years stationed on Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands and at Estaca de Bares in northwest Spain.   Subsequently, he received a commission as an officer, with his primary specialty being marine safety and security.

Bob also taught marine and environmental science at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy for four years, teaching courses on marine pollution, marine biology, oceanography, and marine and environmental issues.  In addition, he oversaw a summer sailing program for incoming freshmen. He also assisted in research as a volunteer at Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve (NEER) in Huron, Ohio.

He has been a member of the Sierra Club (Northeast Ohio Group) since 2002.

Read Bob’s Blog

Email: sierraboboh@gmail.com

Phone: 440.554.6883


Jen Miller

Ohio Chapter Director

Jen Miller Headshot jpegRaised in Ohio, Jen Miller has worked for the Sierra Club in various capacities since 2008 and is currently serving as the Director of the Ohio Chapter. Jen earned her Master’s from the John Glenn School of Public Affairs at Ohio State and has Bachelor’s degrees in Vocal Music and History/Ethnic Studies from Capital University.

For more than fifteen years, Miller has worked with diverse communities to promote social and environmental justice. She has presented at national and international academic conferences and published in several peer-reviewed academic journals. Jennifer is a graduate of the US Department of Energy NREL Energy Leadership Academy and a regular guest lecturer to college classes about environmental policy and social justice issues. Jen loves the outdoors, has one teenage daughter, is board chair of a Fair Trade non-profit, and is a professional singer.

Phone: 614-461-0734 x300


Matt Trokan

Conservation Director

Matt Trokan is a native of Cincinnati but has traveled broadly across Ohio and the country enjoying, exploring, and protecting our wild places.  He received a B.A. in history from Xavier University in 2003 and a M.A. in environmental study from The Evergreen State College in 2009.  Matt has over a decade of public service and community development experience.

For the past four years Matt has managed the Ohio Clean Water Campaign working to engage, educate, and empower Ohioans to restore, improve, and protect our waterways.

Email: matt.trokan@sierraclub.org

Phone: 443-889-7222


Brian Kunkemoeller

Conservation Program Manager — Beyond Natural Gas Campaign, Energy

Brian is a native Ohioan from Cincinnati, where he also attended the University of Cincinnati for a dual degree in Biology and Environmental Policy.

He works with volunteers and leaders across the state to inform and involve citizens on the issue of fracking.

Want to get involved? Join the fracking committee today!

E-mail: brian.kunkemoeller@sierraclub.org

Phone: 614.461.0734 ext 310


Samantha Allen

Conservation Program Coordinator — Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy and Climate Action

482686_4470125799742_1739211561_n (1)Samantha comes from the small farming community of Sabina, Ohio.  After serving in the United States Marine Corps and deploying in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2009, she decided to continue her education at the Ohio State University.  She earned a Bachelor of Science in the field of Environmental Policy.   She enjoys being outdoors and believes that nature can be therapeutic for many returning veterans. Samantha is passionate about protecting the environment and believes that everyone can make a difference.  If you want to help, get involved today!

Email: samantha.allen@sierraclub.org

Phone: 614.461.0734 ext 313

Cell: 910-548-4630


Elissa Yoder

Conservation Program Coordinator – Clean Water Campaign

SC_PHOTO2Elissa works as a Conservation Coordinator on the Clean Water Campaign for Central Ohio. She works at raising community awareness about Ohio waterways and increasing public participation in both policy and service activism.

She earned her Bachelor of Science in Rangeland Ecology from Colorado State University. While in Colorado she worked in an environmental laboratory conducting water analysis and at an engineering firm. She received her Master of Environmental and Natural Resources from Ohio State University. Her thesis work focused on developing a comprehensive regional planning assessment, mapping a sustainable future and equitable water resources for the coastal counties of the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Email: elissa.yoder@sierraclub.org

Phone: 614-461-0734 ext. 311


Ann Keefe

Conservation Program Coordinator – Clean Water Campaign; Lake Erie, NW OhioAnn_Keefe_Photo on 4-2-14

Ann Keefe is the Conservation Program Coordinator for Northwestern Ohio.  Priorities include the Water Sentinels Monitoring Program, coordinating stewardship events, recruiting research fellowship candidates, fundraising, and working on nutrient management reductions.

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Bowling Green State University, and has completed graduate coursework in Ecology.   Past career accomplishments include restoring wetlands, native prairies, windbreaks and riparian plantings in Ohio, as well as many grant writing successes.  With an agricultural family background, Ann’s personal expertise will help advance Sierra Club efforts in the region.

Email: ann.keefe@sierraclub.org
Phone: 419-619-4436


Jessica Ferrato

Conservation Program Coordinator – Clean Water Campaign; Lake Erie, NE Ohio

20140319_151740 copyGrowing up along the Cuyahoga River and the industrialized shores of Lake Erie prepared Jessica for life as a clean water activist.  After earning degrees in marine and freshwater biology and environmental engineering, Jessica spent some time working and living on the east and west coasts, but has long considered the north coast of her native Northeast Ohio home.  Her past work includes consulting for power companies on water issues, monitoring water quality in wetlands and streams for Cleveland Metroparks, and observing commercial fishing activities in the Bering Sea.  As an active volunteer member of Northeast Ohio Sierra Club and a sailing, kayaking and paddleboarding enthusiast, Jessica brings a passion for protecting Lake Erie to her work with the Ohio Chapter.

Email:  jessica.ferrato@sierraclub.org

Phone:  216-339-9855



Ned Ford

Consultant for Statewide Energy Efficiency and Utility Initiatives

Email: ned.ford@fuse.net

Phone: 513.600.4200
