Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission Meeting Nov 25

After over three years of work, the Maryland Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission will convene for its last scheduled meeting this Tuesday from 10-4.  Maryland Department of Environment will present responses to the Risk Assessment, and Garrett County Health Department will lead a discussions on impacts of fracking on the health care infrastructure.  Once the commission’s work is complete, the Departments have been charged with writing a final report and, if fracking is deemed an acceptable risk, drafting regulations for the unconventional drilling practice..

The Following Documents will be addressed during the Nov 25 meeting:
Draft Agenda    Memo on health infrastructure   Draft minutes from Nov 5 Meeting

The meeting will be held:

November 25, 2014

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Allegany College of Maryland  12401 Willowbrook Road SE, Cumberland

Continuing Education Building, Rooms C12-14

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