Fracking to be Tightly Regulated in Maryland

Governor OKs the controversial practice.

Citizens, Health Advocates, and Environmental Groups
Criticize the Decision

Governor Martin O’Malley announced last week that his staff will finalize the nation’s most restrictive regulations for unconventional natural gas development and production (UNGDP also known as fracking) in Maryland.  Yet, land owners and other citizens, public health advocates, and environmental groups all responded with skepticism that fracking could be done safely, even with stringent regulation.

Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility released a statement (pdf) supporting a continued moratorium on UNGDP, citing concerns raised by studies that show that the effects of fracking could be “severe and irreversible.”

Looking at the scientific evidence from the health studies related to fracking, the Alliance of Nurses for a Healthy Environment, in their statement referring to O’Malley’s decision to proceed with UNGDP in Maryland, concludes that “fracking cannot be done safely” at this time.

In a statement released Nov 25, Chesapeake Climate Action Network criticizes  the  Governor’s decision because fracking promotes continued fossil fuel use resulting in climate change.

Food and Water Watch continues to completely oppose fracking and released this statement the day of the Governor’s announcement.

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