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Sierra Club Takes Aim at Coal Plants in East Texas

The Sierra Club is going after several coal plants in Texas.

From the Texas Tribune: FAIRFIELD, Texas — Staring across a lake at the oldest coal-fired power plant in Texas, Mayor Roy Hill thinks back to the early 1970s, when his father helped bring the plant to the area. “Quite honestly, this plant saved Fairfield,” Hill said. Should it close, he said, the economic impact would [...]

Luminant Coal Units Get Permission to Mothball This Winter

New rules proposed by the Obama administration seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants

In what will be welcome news to environmental groups, on Tuesday the Texas grid gave the green light to Luminant to idle two units at their Monticello coal power plant and lignite mine in Northeast Texas for the winter. Earlier this fall, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which runs the grid, announced they would review [...]

Why the Texas Grid May Need a Coal Plant to Keep Running This Winter

A coal plant may have to stay running this winter.

Update: On October 30, ERCOT announced that they will not need to keep the coal power units running this winter for transmission and system reliability.  After a coal power plant said they’ll be shutting down some of their units over the winter, the group behind the Texas grid announced last week that it may pay [...]

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