Pam Bondi Sues President Obama Over Immigration

Categories: Politicks

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Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has become the 18th Republican state attorney general to join a lawsuit against President Barack Obama over his immigration executive order.

"This lawsuit is not about immigration, rather this lawsuit is about President Obama -- yet again -- overstepping the power granted to him by our United States Constitution," Bondi said in a statement according to the Miami Herald.

However, apparently she more or less copy and pasted the actual text of the suit, filed by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot. "This lawsuit is not about immigration," he wrote. "It is about the rule of law, presidential power, and the structural limits of the U.S. Constitution."

Bondi believes that the president issuing an executive order was out of bounds.

She joins the Attorney Generals of Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Florida is one of the few swing states in the group, and one of the few states with a significant Hispanic population.

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Mar To
Mar To

I must say that Bondi is an abomination. But... she's not the problem. People voted for her. TWICE! She's a delusional person that represents what part of this country still is.

Glenn Davis
Glenn Davis

Bondi is a grandstanding Luddite imbecile. And I dare one of her supporters to define Luddite without reference to a dictionary. (The ensuing silence will confirm how she got re-elected.)

Christy McFizziwig
Christy McFizziwig

For the love of God woman, get a life! Get a man! Get an embroidery kit!! Anything!


Illegal immigrants caused 2008 financial crisis and the war in the middle east. 

Deport illegal immigrants !!

Gustavo Luis Abdelnour Pappe
Gustavo Luis Abdelnour Pappe

She is so fucking republican conservative annoying and always in the spotlight thAt she might cut your dick off ha

Brandon Young
Brandon Young

I hope that dumb whore is hit by a thousand dicks then falls off a cliff.

Natoshamarie Rubin
Natoshamarie Rubin

This is funny and with all the negative post about the protest tonight and right under your noses the state plays you...

Tommy Holohan
Tommy Holohan

Lol @ all the republicans in Miami with illegal loved ones who voted for her

Fernando Buch
Fernando Buch

Yeah cause executive actions are so rare.....dumb beaver

Eddie Salgado
Eddie Salgado

Not that she believes... It's the law of the land

HarryTheHandyman topcommenter

She should sue him for not repealing wet-foot/dry-foot.

Shawn Thomasson
Shawn Thomasson

Shocking!! This woman is an idiot, it's an embarrassment to the entire state.

Rene Hernandez
Rene Hernandez

Of course Cunti would. If only they would have used all this energy to actually get things done. Smh.

Nestor Torra
Nestor Torra

Yeah, Pam??????? She is the best AG for Florida.

Ivete Mendoza
Ivete Mendoza

What about her waste of tax dollars on her own executive f@cktard petitions to discriminate against homosexuals and transgender... Shes worse that Obama

DRAKEMALLARD.0 topcommenter

There is an old adage in politics. I'm against it, until it affects me. I think you see the real issue here. not about immigration, about Obama. If Republicans In Congress really felt strongly about this issue, they would have acted the cubans are  silent about this subject.It’s amazing that Republicans such as Ted Cruz, Mario Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Marco Rubio, etc are so vocal about allowing Illegal Cuban Immigrants come to this country under the Wet Foot/Dry Foot Policy and gain the same rights as U.S. Citizens while excluding all other immigrants! They attack Obama for giving other immigrants some minimal protection while fighting for all Cuban immigrants to have full rights! The law should be equal for ALL! Either help the immigrants from other countries who have been here 5 or more years or send all the Cubans back! Fair is fair!so either grant automatic legal status as soon as they set foot on american soil, or make cubans go through the same process as any other immigrant. until then, just another hypocrite.

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