Miami Beach Police Gave Tickets To 108 Lincoln Road Cyclists in Two Days

Categories: Bike Blog

Thumbnail image for newbeachbikesigns.jpg
via Miami Beach Police Department
Joseph Gagliardo, a longtime South Beach resident, returned home last week from a long trip. As he had for years, he cycled from his home on the Venetian Causeway over to Lincoln Road. For a block or so he slowly pedaled east down the virtually empty mall, only to be suddenly stopped by a police officer.

The cop pointed to a small blue sign several feet away and high above Gagliardo's sight line. Then he politely issued him a $129 citation. Gagliardo was far from alone. In just the first two days of ticketing for the brand new offense, MBPD issued a total of 108 citations.

The city says it worked to educate residents about the change, but some longtime riders like Gagliardo complain the new signs are tough to spot. "It just says 'Pedestrian Friendly Zone', Gagliardo says. "It doesn't say 'It's illegal: You're going to get a fine.'"

See also: Miami Beach Bans Bikes on Lincoln Road, but Cyclists Ride On

The first hint at the new rules came about a month ago, when many Miami residents and tourists were shocked to see two massive electronic signs on Lincoln Road announcing bicycling was prohibited between the hours of 9 am and 2 am.

For a few weeks, the Miami Beach Police Department handed out verbal and written warnings to cyclists who violated the rule; MBPD issued 663 verbal warnings and distributed 616 fliers between October 28 and November 25, data shared with Riptide shows, presumably all before the actual citations were first issued on November 24.

"The goal is to change the behavior of those in violation and to keep the pedestrians on Lincoln Road safe," Detective Vivian Thayer, a police spokesperson, told Riptide when the police began issuing the fines.

But many cyclists don't think the department's enforcement has been fair, or that the new, permanent signs attached to street corners -- small and easy to miss even for pedestrians strolling down the street -- provide adequate warning.

Gagliardo, who hadn't noticed any sign at all, was floored. Even as he realized he had technically broken a rule he didn't know existed, he also hardly posed a safety hazard: The mall was empty, and he was riding slowly and carefully.

He says the officer issuing the citation even admitted to him that the fine seemed heavy-handed, but said he was under direction to give out the citations indiscriminately, with no leeway or further warnings allowed even for the most minor-seeming cycling offense.

"I thought it was extremely unfair," said Gagliardo, who has since avoided the road altogether as a boycott. "How could something that was encouraged all of a sudden be enforced with this iron fist?"

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My Voice Nation Help
Jhon A Cornejo
Jhon A Cornejo

I lived in Santa Monica for 5 years. Bikers and pedestrains have a different path on the beach.

Jhon A Cornejo
Jhon A Cornejo

Im an avid bicyclist and a Miami Beach resident of nearly 50 years and I say...thank you MBPD and City of Miami Beach. If you break the law, then get a ticket. Ive been going to Lincoln Road Mall ever since I was a little kid when they had trolleys going up and down the mall and you got a meal at Woolworths and saw an actual movie at Lincoln Road Theater. Now its 2014, and there are tons of pedestrains and people dining on the mall. Lincoln Road Mall aint the same anymore. Its a "safety issue" when you have people skateboarding or bicycling on the mall. Give them a ticket!

Christine King
Christine King

Intersting. I moved here from Cali and find this place way more regulated.

Andrew Connelly
Andrew Connelly

In some other beach cities I've lived in, bikers and pedestrians share the path. Why can't we do that here? What precipitated these laws? What does this problem tell us about how we walk, ride and drive in Miami? Craig makes a good point about not being terrorized by vehicles, but I'm sure you've guessed that pedestrians have felt similarly terrorized by bikers otherwise, there would be no reason for this law. This inane law is the result of the complete lack of compassion people have for each other here in Miami. The mentality in this city is that everything around us belongs to us alone and if anyone is in our way, we resort to manifestations of anger and frustration instead of feelings of kindness and community. If we treated each other better, everyone would have plenty of room. Not saying some dedicated bike lanes wouldn't be helpful (they would), just that it's going to take a change in how we think for any of these ideas to work without forcing more laws on us which only benefit the state money-making machine.

Phillip Santa Lucia
Phillip Santa Lucia

Yeah, it might be, the much safer alternative would be to drive a 20lb bike alongside multi ton vehicles. Either you asswipes have a death wish, or you got huge balls.... Either way, your still gonna get medevac'ed in your poofy skin tight outfits. Maybe it's just a Darwinian thing....on second thought, we need more of you bicycle "enthusiasts" on the road.


City Manager 2013-  "Further, the limited code enforcement resources are typically
focused on sidewalk cafe operations, rather than on litter, safety concerns and general
maintenance issues generated by property owners."

Lincoln Road Property Owner's Association, they registered as a lobbyist.  Are they pushing further sidewalk cafe expansions?  If the city doesn't have any money to maintain Lincoln Road and has to hire more CCOs, why not cancel the sidewalk cafe program entirely? Has anybody threatened to leave Miami Beach because they cannot eat on a public sidewalk?  Who are these people that need to eat meals on public sidewalk space?  Shouldn't the city spend $500,000 to study the eating habits of Miami Beach sidewalk eaters?  

Carlos Estrada
Carlos Estrada

Pues si esta cabron lo de las multas como tambien esta cabron que los a los ciclistas y otros les vale madre quien esta enfrente de ellos.... Que dilema

Billy Gaines
Billy Gaines

Is against the law to ride on the sidewalk, moron.

Jenn MacDonald
Jenn MacDonald

There is a whole freaking boardwalk to go bike, segway and skateboard on !!!!!


Memo to bikers

Go cry to the D baggers who thought LR was a BMX track - and the others thought they were filming a LiveStrong Tour de Playa.

Cops had to pull the reins on this before someone got hurt.

Meesh Kachian
Meesh Kachian

police have nothing else to do in miami beach... they ran out of options for harassing people on the beach

Bruna Canto
Bruna Canto

Sergio Valda Daniela Quiroga Carlos Barbery

Wilfredo Sosa
Wilfredo Sosa

Bullshit! Its just to hassle people! Mild gentrification!

Magdalena Wypych
Magdalena Wypych

yeah, and there was no signs, just stopping surprized bikers and give them tickets. the black guy police was the worst!!!

Chris Anthony
Chris Anthony

No better way to tell vacationers we don't want you here then to ticket and charge the hell out of them... another Miami ingenious idea

Ray Grandon
Ray Grandon

This has become the 5th world now, we need more honest police and more laws!!!


good.  Even when bikes were allowed i never understood why anyone would wanna ride a bike through a pedestrian mall.

Kevin Kohler
Kevin Kohler

Those protected bike lanes would make too much sense...would be really great though!

Kevin Kohler
Kevin Kohler

Then don't ride your bike on a crowded pedestrian street. Bikes are not pedestrian by definition...

Kevin Kohler
Kevin Kohler

Does this also go for skate boarders who fly down Lincoln and hit people?


whats more messed up is that they have the art deco rent bike stations right on Lincoln road  smh

James G. Camp
James G. Camp

Not really, Lincoln Road has a lot of pedestrians on it. A lot of cyclists endanger pedestrians when they could make better time a street or so over. I think at certain times of the week within those hours, riding a bike on Lincoln is no big deal as Lincoln is sparsely walked. Some people have no regard and ruin it for others. Hit an elderly pedestrian and I'd probably punch someone out for that ? I think some cyclists ride on Lincoln because they think they're cool doing it. Their bike might as well be the same as the dbag driving a bmw or porsche, it's their status symbol as a higher order of commuter ?

Craig Chester
Craig Chester

Mike - It is illegal in a few places. For example, the entire city of orlando and bal harbour. They are local ordinances (that are actually in conflict with state law). It is generally safer to ride in the road, but sometimes the sidewalk is better for small kids, etc. Also, better behavior comes with better infrastructure that treats cyclists like the mode they are - human powered - rather than expecting them to follow laws/infrastructure designed for powerful gasoline machines.

Josh InSobe
Josh InSobe

If bicyclists didn't ride like they were in a 3rd world country, I'd be all for it. But Miami Beach is lucky we haven't had major accidents or even deaths. I'm all for alternative transportation, but it can't be a free for all, on either side.


Yeah. And a new Alton Road with no bike lane! #citybike watch out! 

How about tickets for dog people not picking up poop or not having them on the leash. 

Mike Watson
Mike Watson

Thank you, Josh, for clearing that up for me.

Marcelle Suarez
Marcelle Suarez

I see cyclists riding in between cars at red lights all the time and even running the red lights. I'm all for cycling but they need to obey rules for everyone's safety....especially their own.

Marcus Aponte
Marcus Aponte

Americas Zero Tolerance stance is a offense to the American way of life! We are a Free Nation! We need to do away with this mentality and take back to the "old" days. When a cop would just talk to you! We are not the governments bank and financial institution to fine for any and every occasion!

Jeffrey Bubba Mallette
Jeffrey Bubba Mallette

No the goal is to meet their quota every month. Smh That's why I'm glad they're finally getting rid if those traffic cameras in Miami too. Smh It's ridiculous...

George Hoover
George Hoover

1:30 am and U gotta bike along side the drunk drivers instead of cruising down an empty pedestrian mall. A blood joke! 10am-11pm would work fine but some estupido padded the hours beyond the actual hours of the grand majority of businesses on the mall. Just another waste of our resources!

Gabriella Echeverria
Gabriella Echeverria

Hahahhaha. They do have a point.... Se ve que nunca te llevaron por delante en Lincoln hajajaj. Lo que no me parece es que manejan el miedo para hacer saber que no se puede.. I mean.. Why not send a massive text to people "near the area" letting them know things changed...(they do it with the weather and Amber alerts)....instead of giving all those tickets ... Now THATS wrong.

Teo Papadopoulos
Teo Papadopoulos

I propose a cyclist massive ride in protest of this stupidity! Gabriella Echeverria

Jackie LovetoGo Cali
Jackie LovetoGo Cali

Hello city of Miami why are so many people not seeing the signs? Miami Police Department need to get more tickets on the road and the freeways there are out of control.

Diego Caiola
Diego Caiola

Money they got!! Their just watching out for the safety of the tourists, in which someway affects the locals that have been using that path for work.

AC Amiami
AC Amiami

They need more money for the city. That's the only reason this ordinance passed.

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