Tonight's Wynwood Protest Aims to Inject Current Events Into Cushy Art Basel Weekend

Categories: News

Photo by George Martinez/
A protester last week in front of the Richard Gerstein Justice Building in Miami.
Has there ever been a stranger moment to be in Miami?

As grand juries across the country refuse to indict white cops for killing innocent black men, all Miami can talk about is Miley's killer concert. In New York, people are flocking to the streets and shutting down bridges. Here, celebrities are snapping up overpriced art and charging their phones in women's coochies.

If the cognitive dissonance is getting to you, there's a cure. Tonight, protesters will gather in Wynwood to demand justice for Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and Israel Hernandez.

See also: Miami All Quiet After Ferguson Grand Jury Decision Sparks Protests Across the Country

Twice in the past ten days grand juries have decided not to indict white police officers for killing unarmed black men.

Last Monday, a grand jury decided not to charge cop Darren Wilson for shooting teenager Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in August.

And Wednesday, another grand jury in New York City decided against indicting the white cop who put Eric Garner in a fatal chokehold July 17.

Photo by George Martinez/
Last night, demonstrators once again shut down the Brooklyn Bridge to protest police brutality. In Miami, however, things have largely remained quiet.

Last week, several hundred protesters marched outside the criminal courthouse (several were arrested). But the unrest has yet to interrupt what has so far been a typically bacchanalian and boisterous Art Basel week.

That could change tonight, however, when protesters gather in Wynwood to demand justice for Brown, Garner, and Hernandez, an 18-year-old street artist who was fatally Tasered by Miami Beach Police last year after they caught him tagging an abandoned McDonald's.

See also: Teenager Israel Hernandez Dies After Miami Beach Cops Catch Him Tagging, Taser Him

The protest is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. at NW 36th Street and First Avenue. See Facebook for more details.

Photo by George Martinez/
Send your tips to the author, or follow him on Twitter @MikeMillerMiami.

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Cts Limo
Cts Limo

Most of people came to art Basel for free food and boose

Ta-Shana Taylor
Ta-Shana Taylor

Well said Emmanuel! They forget they cried for compassion, amnesty, and refuge from brutality in their own country and America gave it to them. Along with citizenship and a host of other supports. Yet when Americans are standing up against brutality against Americans (all races) they cry about traffic and the inconvenience. Oh the irony of Miami.

Damian Biltres
Damian Biltres

Oh you mean Eric Garner the career criminal who was arrested over 30 times. My bad, good riddance to him too.


There is so much hate here.  Each case is unique.  I feel Eric Garner was wrongfully killed by police since the video is there to prove it.  Police need more training and psyche evaluations. I imagine once a cops get burned out after a while and add adrenaline and steriods and even ignorance ( a recipe for danger)

Wilfredo Sosa
Wilfredo Sosa

Obviously you are retarded and that's why you communicate with colors.

John Tejeiro
John Tejeiro

I don't even live in Miami you dumb fuck. Piss off

Carmela Ewing
Carmela Ewing

Miami is a happy place. We just want to have fun!

Julian David Guillen
Julian David Guillen

I'm not going to label things I don't know dude. I understand where you're coming from, but your reaction is exactly what they want, a reaction. Whatever the media tells you is what they WANT to tell you, true or not, and they blow it out of proportion so that the mob can be shown as exactly that, a violent force with no reason or justification, displayed and shamed for the rest of America.

Wilfredo Sosa
Wilfredo Sosa

You DO have to take into account the source of your news as they may be biased and misleading. The mobs are 50% people who care, 45% are Sheeple and the rest are Anarchists.

Wilfredo Sosa
Wilfredo Sosa

People will always find something to divide them. Black/ White, up/down this country or that.... I have friends that are police officers,but I also believe that they should show restraint. Some are in desperate psychiatric need. Especially carrying military hardware as they do.

Julian David Guillen
Julian David Guillen

No Wilfredo i find a lot of things wrong with them, but at the end of the day does it matter what I think? People are easily moved, that's what the media wants and they're falling into a trap by reacting this way. All this is doing is dividing and make us hate each other even more. They need to turn off the television and think for themselves because all this bantering and violence does is just make the media more money.

Wilfredo Sosa
Wilfredo Sosa

It is wrong to force your beliefs on others, but you don't find anything wrong with these events?

Julian David Guillen
Julian David Guillen

Regardless of my personal politics, it's wrong to force your views on anyone else's, especially when the ones your criticizing are trying to do something positive in their community that really has nothing to do with conflicts elsewhere.

Julian David Guillen
Julian David Guillen

Eh... Wilfredo, it's complicated. I care, I used to protest and was pissed off about a lot of what was going on around me, but idk... I've always been a musician, that's never changed. I just think it's bs that they scrutinize people in attempts of MAKING people protest this way. It doesn't really help pointing fingers in every direction when they don't aid your cause.

Wilfredo Sosa
Wilfredo Sosa

You don't care about reality, but you care about art? What a douche!

Wilfredo Sosa
Wilfredo Sosa

Gentrification is apparently more important.

FP Torres
FP Torres

Buwahaha. Sweet of you. So are you going to waste your time and mine. #Burn

Roger Enamorado
Roger Enamorado

So because some people protest in one place everyone has to uproot their lives and protest everywhere else? Just because? Lol doesn't make sense.

Giovanni Marine
Giovanni Marine

Just saying if I was Marco's and be flaunting that Venezuelan flag like there is no tomorrow while cashing in on dollars in the USA i will clarified as a infiltrated socialist. The Venezuelan government ain't to close of a friend to the USA. Heard?

Brittney Patrice Williams
Brittney Patrice Williams

I care. I have a job and a good life. I also have a good education. Judging by your many typos, perhaps you should've stayed in school, too.


Bet she has no voice tonight.

I agree with her message,

Her delivery, not so much

Paula Cinnamon Dorfman
Paula Cinnamon Dorfman

Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.

Daniel Fanego
Daniel Fanego

Let's just return wynwood into what it used to giant ghetto so that protestors can just stay away.


Congratulations on supporting murder. 

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