Protesting Police Brutality in Anaheim

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Approximately 100 people gathered at the Anaheim Police Department to protest police brutality in solidarity with a nation-wide walkout on Dec. 1. All protesters were peaceful and there were no arrests. All images by Josue Rivas.

Published on December 2, 2014

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Nice sign right next to the kid!!  Well let's just say for all you Captain Save A Hoe (Cop) folks out there co-signing for how great these guys are, I say they could def do better.  Beach Blvd. is still a Hoe stroll, drugs are being sold and consumed in plain sight, homeless have become a regular and ignored sight in daylight sleeping on the curbs, bus benches and strip malls.  The hotels on Beach near Ball could give a sh*t on what kind of people they have lurking around the front of their business. The homeless are also allowed to camp out day and night at the parking lot on Knott and Lincoln next to the 99 Cent store, across the street at the shopping center with the Rite Aid and the one with the Carls Jr. (heck they run the whole street)!  All this while there's supposedly a sub-station on Beach in the community center but there's not on cop to be seen patrolling on a regular basis!  There's so much misery, poverty and run down areas in Anaheim it reminds me of some parts of TJ minus the homeless because they get busy over there, no one's going to give you sh*t so either you move your a** or that's your azz!! I always wonder how can we live in a country, state and county that offers so much opportunity and has so many resources like drug, alcohol, medical, mental health treatment, job training and still have so many European Americans (mostly) that just give up, drop out and lay in the street waiting for someone to give them something and to die?  Why don't they get sick of living that way, dust themselves off and go back


How about thugglets and pandilleros "de-escalate" the situation by RESPECTING police?  Maybe they wouldn't get shot full of holes if they tried that simple tactic.


My lawyer friend Greg told me that Joey, stomper and Lil' Clumsy were good young men, who got fucked over by the system. Maybe if we had given their Mothers more money, helped supply them with Government issued crack cocaine and Meth things would have been better, he explained.

These women are candidates for Mother of the year he said. And he's a blogger too!

As soon as my friend wins his millions from the city of Anacrime, he will insist, through his good friend Tom Tait, that we begin paying for BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER for anyone with a foreign sounding surname. A tax on visitors to Disney and Angels Baseball will provide clothing and shelter (including Methadone, Corona and seagrams) for anyone regardless of the ability to repay. And just to be fair to those child molesters that we unfairly stigmatize with a sex offender registry, Greg is going to lead the charge for more young Pacific Islander "BOI'S" to visit and stay. He says the DPOC is filled with OLD MEN who would love to adopt them and play "Daddy".

Good for the people of Anaheim. With CATER and Diamond, Tait and "the real" Jose Moreno, the city should become the next Venezuala!

ltpar topcommenter

Now you have to admit, this is about the most uneducated, dirt bag group of low life's I have ever seen.  Where are the real Anaheim citizens who pay taxes and want to live in a safe community?  Oh, that's right they are at their jobs working, while these cowns in drag protest.  Enough said on this topic.  


Look Like a Thug

Act Like a Thug

Get Hassled by the Cops...

...I'm good with that.

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