VIDEO: ¡Ask a Mexican! On Why Mexicans Should Care About Michael Brown and Ferguson

Lalo Alcaraz
Lalo's legendary take on the 2007 Macarthur Park cop riots against peaceful Mexis

Marches in solidarity with Michael Brown and Ferguson have happened and will happen in Orange County--but so has the nasty backlash against such people, as evidenced by some of our readers, and some of my readers over on my ¡Ask a Mexican! Facebook page. The vitriol was such, in fact, that I decided to drop my lame humor in this week's ¡Ask a Mexican! video and give a big ol' chanclazo to the haters.

And there is one local angle, besides the obvious shoutout to Kelly Thomas, that I won't spoil for you. Just see the video and reminisce about the old days of the Rams in Anaheim...enjoy!

Should Mexicans Care About Michael Brown and Ferguson? from Voice Media Group on Vimeo.

Email: Twitter: @gustavoarellano.

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Richard Jacquez
Richard Jacquez

Personal responsibility...Don't give the psycho cops a reason.

Alex Lucero
Alex Lucero

Don't fight a cop, don't get shot simple, stop it with the chinanigans!!

Anna Apodaca
Anna Apodaca

Lol...well, there are SOME good cops...but it's rare And far between nowadays

George Irribarren
George Irribarren

I personally like the police they've always been there when needed... it's the criminals i would be worried about. .. unless you pack heat like i do. . Lol. ..

Anna Apodaca
Anna Apodaca

Wendy De La Puente You obviously didnt understand what I meant, when I said "every ethic group" Umm that meant you too, read again before you ACT offended.

Anna Apodaca
Anna Apodaca

Thank you for your opinion...duly noted...gtfoh

Wendy De La Puente
Wendy De La Puente

The "seem to be" comment. That is exactly what is wrong with society. So judgmental.

Wendy De La Puente
Wendy De La Puente

Such bs, Ms. Anaconda. Italians are not considered an ethic group by the us goverment & get pestered by the police all the time. It happens to #everybody. The police are not honest. It doesn't matter if you're from Los Mochis, Iowa or New Yorker.

Anna Apodaca
Anna Apodaca

I agree with you totally...this is an every ethnic group issue. Because we seem to be the only ones getting caught in situations where the police hit first and then ask questions later.

Becca Aguilar
Becca Aguilar

Its how you choose to live that will dictate your future, dnt believe in crying or saying because im chicana racist comment all my life who cares. Its called respeto, you dnt got to like anyone but you still gotta respect others.. Its a choice if you want to live like a salvage..

Byzantine Templar
Byzantine Templar

we could be moving into a police state environment .If you don't comply this is what can happen regardless of race

Jairo Ramirez
Jairo Ramirez

Everyone should care not just Mexicans. Is not a race issue, it's a social issue. Police should be better trained. And people should only protest in peace, with out disrrupting and looting. And more importantly, don't steal and be a thug if you don't want to be treated like one

Gc Rivera
Gc Rivera

Oh, no! It's Dec. 31, 1969 spying on la raza!

Johnny Gonzo
Johnny Gonzo

When he says Mexican, he means anyone who is Brown, because most Americans don't know there is a few dozen other countries besides Mexico with Brown people, and gringos can't tell them apart anyway...

Earl Marty Price
Earl Marty Price

You agree with my arguement then..most AFricans were assimilated as in Mexico it was class and the Spanish had babies with everyone...I agree as I do not agree with the White American one drop theory...I disagree if you think Guanajuato is Southern not Central..San Miguel had a large AFtrican population with the land for the convent there donated by free men in 1680.. Yes Guerrero is Southern, but I have property in Nayarit and family in DF, and you cannot deny what was there. I am not saying basically that Mexico was a true mixing bowl unlike the USA which was more like a salad the USA the race mixing almost always was white planters raping servants on a mass scale. In Mexico, every which way you can imagine...over a 123 mixes in the Casta System.


Inciting race war, stay classy Gustavo!!

Pelon Navarro
Pelon Navarro

Carl sagan really how universal and worldly and cosmic you arent. .. typical dumb texan

Pelon Navarro
Pelon Navarro

A bloody dramatic and soft of me 1 example of a sellout Hispanic cop having 2 defend them self from this malady

Jason Zerick
Jason Zerick

Here's how it affects you. Lots of cops are Hispanic. And they should be allowed to defend themselves when beaten to a bloody pulp.


I hope you don't mean "chanklazos" literally.  I will never understand why people deem it necessary to threaten to assault someone.  In any case, let's try to remember, or if necessary to school those who need it that respect is a two-way street.

Pelon Navarro
Pelon Navarro

The real criminals....All you sellouts stay mum on this consistent sheeple.....wall street and obombers goons=real crime in action

Martha Arciniega Schiller
Martha Arciniega Schiller

Yes Leo. The Arciniega's are known to be the fighting types. Haha. Let's just say we don't tend to put up with nonsense.

Lizzi Romo
Lizzi Romo

Whatever Rick....Wikipedia is the worst site u could research anything. history teacher who has a doctorine in history...said that's not an accurate source...I Don't care what you say....or think...I believe and I feel what feel that's my opinion. U don't like it move on. U slap ur own self.

Tammy Osuna-Burton
Tammy Osuna-Burton

Wow. I changed your world that much? Gotta love people like you. But you know what. I even care about people like you. Why? Because the negativity you are perpetuating is part of the problem. Sorry man, nice try.

Steve Lanzi
Steve Lanzi

100% correctamundo this time G. Believe it or not I think your advice to the profe was exactly spot-on. :-)

Rick Villagrana
Rick Villagrana

How about you fuck off if u don't like what u see keep scrolling

Mary Maxfield
Mary Maxfield

lol .. and i thought it would be harder to expose the self- righteous . . lemmi see . . hmmmm . . . DOD and our lady of the lake . . the two world guardians against taste and sloth and walking in the street . . . lol

Gloria Olvera-Rendon
Gloria Olvera-Rendon

It shouldn't matter what skin color a person has. When we stand together, we are stronger.


As a coconut this really pisses me off... this la raza bullshit, this idea of pride in a heritage and whatnot. We are all in the same fucking car and everyone wants to drive but is pissed off because whitey's got the fucking keys and everyone wants to change the radio or the road he's driving on. We are all one people... this is one planet...  Enough of the re-hashing of the atrocities of history against one another... it's old and moldy like the cheese.

GA - you start off with this whitey stole my shit argument, for what reason? Ok, the Mayans and the Aztecs killed people, stole from people.. what about the Toltecs and every other aboriginal tribal war that occurred throughout history around the world. People oppressing people is nothing new, but to continue on with this bullshit argument that it's some how race related is mind boggling. 

Gloria Olvera-Rendon
Gloria Olvera-Rendon

Its about social class. If you can't afford a lawyer to sue the crap out of them, then you don't matter.


Earl. You think the mixing was of free choice? It was illegal for both Indigenous and African men to mix with white or Spanish women.


Exactly... Good job Gustavo


Ex...Carley. Good job Gustavo...


Exactly....... And.....that's the law AND what officer's are taught


Give me a break. Great intellectual response.....


When did you join the conversation????


Good response doctor...


Omg....... Wake up. Go see a lawyer


You're who whi meant......go visit a lawyer...


Omg....go visit a lawyer's office


Hey Gustavo...saw your video. Nice hoodee.....didn't know you were such a young man. Now I know why you make such ignorant statements.... You have little life experience my little friend. You understand so lilittle. But, I will give you a Mulligan for that. But, remember, you need to listen to those of us who have been therthere...done that..and speak the truth...whether you agree with it or not..........


This is why I just left Orange County. Moved to the mid- west................ Where people appreciate their surroundings.....and the police that protect least where I live. This Freaking country is going to shit.. Look at last night's CNN reports on the middle east. Go live there..... .....all of you cop haters.. See how how would would like living would have something to wine about.....As Charles Barkley said.....You need to take respresponsibility for yourself. You wine and complain......give me A BREAK.


Exactly....... I meant


Hey Gustavo.......... Listen real hard to what Charles Barkley has to say. He's right on the money. He's right on.

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