Lawyers Fighting for
Frack Free Communities

Legal Challenge Update: Dryden, NY

Does a Community Have the Right To Say No to Fracking? YES!!

We can find no legislative intent, much less a requisite "clear expression," requiring the preemption of local land use regulations.

- New York State Court of Appeals, June 30, 2014.

  • Town of Dryden NY has right to say no to fracking
  • Town of Dryden has right to say no to fracking

Land Use  Home Rule

CEDC helps communities to ban high-impact heavy industrial land uses like fracking and to take back local control over significant decisions that affect their social and physical landscapes. We help communities stake a claim for their backyards, because otherwise the fossil fuel industry will seek to foul them as industry tries to scrape every last drop from the very bottom of the fossil fuel barrel. If communities don't demand the right to decide their future, the industry won't stop until we are left with a barren wasteland and are left with no choice but to purchase the limited remaining habitable land, drinkable water and breathable air from corporate interests.

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Water  Economy

The profits of the oil & gas industry depend upon its ability to shift many of the costs of oil & gas extraction, transportion, and burning to our communities. Industry says it cannot afford to comply with the environmental & safety laws that apply to all other industries. If operating in a safe and responsible manner that doesn't hurt people is impossible, that only highlights our need to decisively move to renewable energy sources that don't make profits by making the rest of us sick or by destroying the value in our homes.

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Energy  Energy

We are surrounded by energy - the sun, the winds, the tides - and to argue that we need to trash the planet to keep the lights on is just wrong. Fracking and fossil fuels are choking off renewable energy solutions. The future of solar energy and other renewables is dependent upon political will to stand up to fossil fuel interests, not on technology.  Regulations cannot change the laws of physics and nature. Fracking is inherently unsafe and the harms of this industry cannot be mitigated by regulations.

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HELP PROTECT OUR COMMUNITIES from irresponsible fracking

Fracking pollutes the air, land and water around us. Industry has not shown that fracking can be done safely, and in fact, no amount of regulation can make it safe.

Why not take the money that would otherwise go into fracking infrastructure - an investment in development of finite fossil fuel sources that carry enormous environmental risks - and invest instead in clean, renewable energy sources?

Local communities and residents have the power to say no to fracking. The people on the front lines of extreme energy extraction must live with the dirty air, land and water caused by fracking. They should be the ones making the decisions about where these high-impact industrial activities should be allowed to happen in their communities.

With fracking on the horizon in so many parts of the country and around the world, now is the time for local communities to have the important conversation about the real risks and costs of fracking, and decide if fractured communities are the legacy they want to leave to their children and grandchildren.

The lawyers at CEDC are winning this fight, but our work is only made possible by the heartfelt support of  donors and committed people willing to fight for the security of their homes and the health of their children and grandchildren.


Let's Ban Fracking Now

Bans and Moratoria in New York State

Bans, moratoria and movements against hydraulic fracturing for shale-gas in New York State