Guess what size it is?

It will narrowly beat out Hawaii's Thirty Meter Telescope once completed.|By Andrew Soergel

U.S. News: Money gathered advice from some of the country's biggest names in personal finance to answer the question: "What can Americans do to set themselves up for financial success in 2015?"

Here's what they had to say:

Dave Ramsey, Robert Kiyosaki, Farnoosh Torabi and other top experts share their advice.|By Casey Bond

Your significant other could be your most dangerous money pit.

Think twice before pouring your hard-earned cash into these things.|By Geoff Williams
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Wash your hands.

Fecal bacteria. Everywhere.

Eat your heart out, Amazon.

This holiday more businesses are offering free same-day delivery for gifts.|By Tom Risen
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President Obama is about the loneliest president of modern times.

President Barack Obama's aloof style is responsible for the cruel slide from hope and change to partisan gridlock.|By Mortimer B. Zuckerman

"The experience of a decades-long full-time job that is followed by full-time retirement is now the exception rather than the rule."

Workers have less control over the timing of retirement.|By Tom Sightings

Not everybody wants a Hillary Clinton Coronation.

There's a movement in New Hampshire to pump the breaks on a Clinton coronation.|By David Catanese
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Goodbye Y.

Consequences aren't clear, but experts suspect the change might be linked to increased cancer risk.

Who's Andrew Keegan? Dennis Kucinich was wondering.

Dennis Kucinich was surprised to see himself, too.|By Nikki Schwab
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The Labor Department reported that the economy added a surprising 321,000 payrolls in November.|By Katherine Peralta

"Inmates will be permitted to smoke only for religious purposes."

Federal inmates unlikely to convert en masse to native religions, prison bureau spokesman says.|By Steven Nelson

The problem is much deeper.

Body cameras alone won't fix the relationship between police and the African-American communities they protect.|By Susan Milligan

Rolling Stone apologizes. And the frat at the center of the University of Virginia rape story responds.

On Friday, Rolling Stone apologized to readers over the University of Virginia rape story, citing the revelation of 'discrepancies.'|By Nikki Schwab

Rolling Stone is backtracking on its explosive University of Virginia gang rape story.

Rolling Stone is casting doubt on a young woman's account of being gang-raped at a fraternity party at the University of Virginia.
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"Not too shabby of a Friday," thinks NASA's mission control.

In 4.5 hours, the spacecraft orbited the Earth twice and reached an altitude of 3,600 miles.|By Diana Soliwon

"Technoference" makes it easy to ignore your partner.

Seventy percent of women say smartphones are interfering with their relationship.|By Amir Khan
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Creationism is just "unreasonable," says Bill Nye The Science Guy.

'Science guy' Bill Nye explains why the tale told by creationists is totally implausible.|By Michael Morella

Last night, America protested.

Thousands of protesters marched Thursday as New York prepares to lay another police shooting victim to rest.|By Andrew Soergel

NASA’s Orion Spacecraft spacecraft circled the planet Friday.

t's NASA's first new vehicle for space travel since the shuttle.

Congress did something.

A bill that would block suspected Nazi war criminals from receiving Social Security benefits is heading to President Barack Obama for his signature.

Officials are aware that people think there is a good ol' boy network in the state and are extra careful to give police cases the highest level of scrutiny.

As communities around the nation protest decisions not to charge officers who have killed suspects, South Carolina prosecutors have obtained...

That's one big baby.

Mia Yasmin Garcia was born by C-section on Dec. 2.

For the 4th time in 6 years, President Barack Obama will formally nominate a defense secretary during a White House ceremony.

Obama still under fire for his response to the Garner and Brown decisions, but the tide may be starting to turn.|By Joseph P. Williams
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Military sexual assaults have jumped 8 percent in the last year.

Critics say sexual assault victims cannot continue to wait while a bureaucracy as big the military talks about change.|By Paul D. Shinkman
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The numbers cap the 10th straight month of job gains over 200,000 – a sign the labor market is on track to wrap up the strongest year of the recovery yet.

Experts say the economy is probably healthier now than at any other point during the recovery.|By Katherine Peralta

Hillary Clinton sounds like she's soul searching.

"You need people ... who will really be there for you and continue to treat you like a human being."|By Kenneth T. Walsh

Rice and beans. For the rest of your life.

If you’re confined to a strict food budget, you should consider green vegetables, brown rice or beans.|By Aaron Crowe

Think before you send.

Amatuers.|By Marcelle Yeager

Make it stop.

Candy at children’s reading club? Sugar’s new normal|By Yoni Freedhoff

"I want a raise."

And four conversation starters that are totally fine.|By Laura McMullen
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Two words: grilled cheese.

Fill up – but not out – with these warm, wintry treats.|By Keri Gans

Not sure how much you should tip this season? Follow this guide:

Postal workers: Cash or gifts under $20
Airport skycaps: $2-$3 per bag
Newspaper deliverers: $10-$20...
Garbage collectors: $20
Doormen: $20-$100
Hair stylists, personal trainers and housekeepers: The equivalent of one visit.

See More
A breakdown of this year’s tipping standards, from your hair stylist to garbage collector.|By Kimberly Palmer

An energy power play.

Pennsylvania has become a veritable microcosm of the energy debate playing out nationwide, experts say.|By Alan Neuhauser
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While caring for her grandmother, Kathryn Robison commuted weekly by plane to get from her classes in Ohio to Raleigh, North Carolina, where her MeMa lived. “Paying for the plane tickets was less than the cost of having someone care for her,” the 29 year old says.

Robison's story will soon become a familiar one, as the number of elderly people doubles in the next 30 years.

As America ages, family members will increasingly take charge of caregiving for older family members.|By Kimberly Palmer

It's been a bad year for legislative NSA reform.

A landslide vote to end 'backdoor' surveillance appears to have been scuttled by backroom deal.|By Steven Nelson
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Not your grandparents' admissions officer.

A for-profit Florida college used exotic dancers as admissions officers, according to court documents.<br />

Sen. Rand Paul is among those pointing to tobacco taxes.

Smokers' rights activist says 'lifestyle police' are guilty of murder.|By Steven Nelson

Premiums will rise, but there's a way to shop around that.

Government officials say improvements to will help people buy cheaper health insurance, but costs may rise.|By Kimberly Leonard
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“Sure, there are always issues of style ..."

Pentagon chief says the decision was not based on one factor, but doesn't deny rumors of frustration, White House tension.|By Paul D. Shinkman

Flu shots may not be as effective this year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Antivirals may be a necessary second line of defense with this year's dud flu vaccine, says CDC.|By Andrew Soergel

Pantone says you're about to see this color EVERYWHERE.

That's marsala, not masala – like the wine, not the chicken.|By Nikki Schwab

Eric Garner died over a victimless crime.

Eric Garner's death should make us rethink whether police are protecting us or city and state coffers.|By Peter Roff

Bill Cosby became an honorary Chief Petty Officer in 2011. That ended today.

The Navy said the allegations of sexual abuse made against the comedian conflict with the Navy's core values.

I want the world, I want the whole world. Give it to me, now.

In a national address, the Russian president said his country had a right to Crimea.|By Teresa Welsh

Credit the fracking frenzy.

Fracking has unleashed a torrent of oil and natural gas, the Energy Information Administration says.|By Alan Neuhauser

"We saw too many incidents in which officers accidentally shot someone either because they fired their guns accidentally or because they shot the wrong person," the report said.

Feds and the city agree to have an independent monitor implement reforms.
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‪#‎ThrowbackThursday‬: From the June 3, 1955 issue of U.S. News & World Report.

Can you imagine spending 5.5 hours making food?

#ThrowbackThursday: From the June 3, 1955 issue of U.S. News & World Report.

Can you imagine spending 5.5 hours making food?

Generally speaking, Americans like going forward, even if forward means into the unknown (and perhaps, off a cliff).

Not only would the former secretary of state likely lose, but she'd get unfairly blamed for the defeat.|By Lara Brown

The United States Air Force Band gave visitors a musical treat.

Museum visitors saw spaceships, airplanes and a giant band.|By Nikki Schwab

Nice grandmother or Russian spy?

She's challenging her 1950 conviction handed down in the run-up to the atomic spying trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
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Justice in South Carolina?

Former police chief shot man who came to town hall to question daughter's ticket.

East High School students watched in horror as four cops got hit by a runaway vehicle.

Officers were escorting students to protest Ferguson decision, when car jumped curb.

Attorney General Eric Holder will begin a tour of cities to discuss the deep divisions between police and African-Americans, starting in Cleveland today – where officers shot and killed a 12-year-old boy after mistaking his toy pistol for the real thing.

Eric Holder plans an investigation and goes on tour, Bill de Blasio gets personal, and Cher blasts Chris Christie.|By Joseph P. Williams
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‪#‎ICantBreathe‬ goes national.

Protesters and pundits expressed frustration, outrage and despair after learning that the police officer would not be indicted.|By Lylah Alphonse

"There is no middle left any more" in Congress.

A Smithsonian-sponsored panel on American politics said the country is deeply split and pessimistic about the role of government.|By Kenneth T. Walsh

No one likes you.

Warning signs that you might be pushing your co-workers' buttons.|By Alison Green

Skip the whip.

Coffee should be a beverage – not a high-calorie dessert.<br />|By Keri Gans