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White House

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RGA buys ads for Hogan; D.C. board apologizes for upside-down flag on guide

(Patrick Semansky / AP)

Also, gubernatorial candidates in Maryland are urging residents to not wait until Nov. 4 to vote.


Accusation that GOP cuts have stymied Ebola efforts doesn’t add up

A Web ad targets GOP budget cuts, but fingerprints of both parties are on the knives.


Obama: Ebola travel ban could make things worse

President Obama discussed the misinformation on Ebola and what the U.S. is doing to combat the deadly virus in his weekly address on Saturday.


Obama appoints lawyer to handle Ebola response

(Michel du Cille / The Washington Post)

Former Biden aide Ron Klain will lead the U.S. response, but the GOP questions his pedigree.


Mortgages could become easier to get under changes being mulled by regulator

(Keith Srakocic / AP)

Regulator overseeing giants Fannie and Freddie wants to bring more buyers into housing market.


Overwhelmed U.S. port inspectors unable to keep up with illegal wildlife trade

(Yana Paskova / For The Washington Post)

Few inspectors means most crates with illegal items from endangered animals get by, police said.

With appointment after appointment, Google’s ideas are taking hold in D.C.

The company’s ideas on tech innovation seem to have a grip on the nation’s capital, but not everyone is pleased.

Obama calls for greater credit card security in light of data breaches

Speaking at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Friday, President Obama calls for increased use of chip-and-pin technology, along with other reforms.

Obama taps Ron Klain as Ebola czar


Obama, under criticism for his handling of the crisis, has asked Ron Klain, the vice president’s former chief of staff, to serve.


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