Police Brutality Protesters Shut Down 195, March Through Wynwood (Livestream)

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photo via @PowerU305's Twitter
A protest against the lack of indictments in Ferguson and New York City -- as well as the killing of local teen Israel Hernandez by Miami Beach police -- quickly moved from Wynwood to the 195 expressway.

More than a hundred protesters have now shut down traffic in both directions, snarling cars for miles to the east and west as Art Basel week hits its peak.

Update: The protesters have left the highway and have now begun marching toward the heart of Wynwood, organizer Muhammed Malik tells Riptide. The crowd has grown to about 400 people. No arrests have been made, he says.

Photo by Anthony Spinello
Protestors disrupting traffic on NW 29th Street in Wynwood.

Photo by Anthony Spinello

Photo by Anthony Spinello
The rally started at 36th Street and NW First Avenue, where the crowd massed around speakers including the family of Hernandez, who was killed by a MBPD officer with a Taser after getting caught tagging an abandoned building on Miami Beach.

"Every day the police officers decide who lives and who dies," said Offir Hernandez, sister of slain graffiti artist Israel "Reefa" Hernandez.

The crowd responded with chants of "shut it down" and "No justice, no peace!"

Other speakers rallied the crowd around the lack of indictments in the killing of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in New York.

Mimicking similar protests in St. Louis and New York, the crowd then headed toward the highway.

By lining up across 195, the protesters soon shut down traffic in both directions.

The result? Total gridlock as thousands try to get to and from Basel festivities on the Beach, Wynwood and downtown.

Here's a livestream of the protests as they continue:

Senior Staff Writer Michael E. Miller contributed to this report.

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My Voice Nation Help
Michelle Sullivan
Michelle Sullivan

How about being a decent human being and not breaking the law? How about not robbing stores, assaulting people and vandalizing? I'm not gonna defend and stand behind people that rather TAKE instead of EARN.

Manny Castillo
Manny Castillo

To all those saying "run them over..oh poor me..what about my rights..we are doing this for all of us..the only thing that matters here is our constitutional rights wether we commited a crime or not we have rights and they must me upheld above all..so FUCK YOU if your dinner party was late or you are you are tired of hearing about this..just yesterday a kid was hit and killed by a cop just for spray painting on a wall that is cvered with graffitti..so get over it..AND EXPECT MORE

Joseph Oroza
Joseph Oroza

I hope you go straight to the slammer! Asswipe!!

Joseph Oroza
Joseph Oroza

I'd like to run you over asshole and send you back to where you came from. Asshole!!

Joseph Oroza
Joseph Oroza

There are so many stupid, ignorant, self centered, out of touch people here is just pathetic. They don't even know what a protest is, let's blame the people that are fighting for justice and say that they are getting paid. I mean really! How pitiful this place is, filled with tea baggers!!

Jeremy Mitchell Uy
Jeremy Mitchell Uy

How insecure are you that you post a pic of some girl that you found on the internet and state that youre going to have sex with her. I hope someone gives you an asskicking for your birthday, you need one

Jeremy Mitchell Uy
Jeremy Mitchell Uy

You're an idiotic waste of life...please kill yourself. I mean one the trayvon case is over, move on. Oj got away with murder and white people got over it. Two, what the fuck does miami have to do with the trayvon martin case?

Ronald Sands
Ronald Sands

People need to move on with there lives wasn't this whole thing a week ago

Andrej ÄŒerni
Andrej ÄŒerni

Half of them are paid to be there and don't even know what for. Go and ask them...I did on 395 in DC and dude had no idea what he's protesting, but he got paid which is all he was looking for.

AJ Guerra
AJ Guerra

Jessica - shaddap. \U0001f44d Spell You're correctly. My grandma died in the hospital due to bad care, but no one blocked the hallways to the lunch room.

Jessica Marrero
Jessica Marrero

Dont catch some shit.. lmao. Your post is uncalled for as for so many others however you do have a right to be stupid, especially in Miami (stupid capital). Anyways if it were your family member getting murdered or abused, that's when you'll care to flood the streets. How sad. Good luck enjoying the freedom while it lasts.

Fenris Wolf
Fenris Wolf

At least we've reached some sort of understanding, if you can call it that. We just had to insult each other for an hour or two to get there but that just goes to show were both very obviously from Miami. I'll add one last thing and that's this step may have done more harm than good with more people hating out of spite than reason but hopefully that second step will be bigger and at the right time and place to send the right message. This is a battle that will take years before its won so they have to learn to play their cards right early while the world is still watching if a difference will be made or it may take much longer than it should. Peace


You don't have to do the perfect to do something. Doing this during one of this city's biggest weekends, will have cost millions in lost revenue by the time all is said and one. Stiff Records had a motto back in the 80's that said "Money Talks. People Mumble". Trust me the people they wanted to speak to with this action heard them loud and clear. Good.

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

BTW, that building is STILL empty. I live right down the street from it. Nice to know cops really care about the property no one is using.

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

He was vandalizing a building that hasn't had an occupant for 7 years. He was only able to do the letter "R" before the cops chased him down and tasered him, which lead to his death.

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

You don't know what the end result is yet. Maybe you're right. Maybe they gotta do it in front of the police station next time. Who knows? Time will tell. My hope something good will come out of all this, but this can only be the first step. Ok, I'm done with this thread. I think we're the only 2 in the room left shouting at each other. It was fun arguing with you. You take care, bro.

Alan D. Davis
Alan D. Davis

We all have to get together and stop police abuse

Brian Tully
Brian Tully

Whoa wasn't saying michael brown was an idiot, there wasn't anything he could do. Im saying for people from now on do the smart thing and one, obey the law or it your own fault if something happens to you or two, if you are in a situation where a cop is crossing the line or abusing power dont fight or resist just let it happen then take their ass to court and sue them and get their badge taken away.

Fenris Wolf
Fenris Wolf

And don't misunderstand me. I said I worked in Miami beach for years - if that says anything it's that I hate Art Basel and most big events despite its economical gains. I am a strategist. How did that protest benefit? It didn't last long apparently from what you're saying. What message did it send out? Some idiots were out playing in the street? You hit the right targets. Like I said. You want to protest police brutality? Do it on their turf and send the message. Not something that's so easily brushed off like a car accident.

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

They're have been accidents where the whole road had to be shutdown, too...

Jason Bugay
Jason Bugay

Vandalism isn't street art. He was painting on someone else's property. If he was spray painting your house, would it still be "street art"?

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

My friend made it through just fine. It only took him an hour and 15 minutes. His commute home is from South Beach to Hialeah everyday. He called me at 5:35 pm to warn me about the traffic and then called me at 6:45 to say he made it out.

AJ Guerra
AJ Guerra

Then you deserve some big ole bangers too Darrell.

Fenris Wolf
Fenris Wolf

Actually if there was an accident it would have still had traffic just slowed down. They stopped it outright. I have friends who got stuck on it. There are much better not strategic places to protest. The middle of the highway is nowhere on the list of top 100 places to effectively protest.

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

The event still went on. You look at Facebook now and this is one of the highest trending topics going on now. So now, because of this protest, Art Basel will probalbly get even more national exposure and attention, which will probably mean even more people coming next year. Art Basel happens once every year?? How many times do people in Miami stand up for their rights or show some degree of social conscious? Once every 20?? ...and now they can't because why? "I want my art show!" You want me to show empathy towards the artists who might lose out tonight (which they probably won't), fine. I feel sorry for them. I'm not going to be guilty of the same crime you are.

Joseph Oroza
Joseph Oroza

Because it is not about where all us wealthy people live in Miami Beach. It's about justice and young men of color loosing their lives at the hands of the police, for no reason, just becsuse they are a bunch of bigots!! It was the perfect strategy to combine all the protestores especially in rememberance of the artist who was painting street art and was tased to death this past year.

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

Us flaming each other over this post has lasted longer than the people on 195 stuck in traffic!

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

There are no inconvenience-free protests. And it was done within an hour or so. If there was an accident on 195, it would've been the same delay. Why are you making it sound like it was something horrible these people are doing?

Fenris Wolf
Fenris Wolf

That's what my girlfriend I bring tampons to is for. I'm not ranting, I'm expressing my disbelief of the failed logic of protesting on the busiest highway during one of the busiest times of year in Miami which could have caused grief to a lot of private businesses and artists. It's not easy making a living off of art, not everyone is like Brito who can draw worthless coloring book worthy shit and get Lamborghini's for. There were much better options and much better ways to have gone about protesting. This was not one of them.

Fred Bell
Fred Bell

Disrespect and The abuse has to stop

Joseph Oroza
Joseph Oroza

Boy I have encountered so many STUPID, IGNORANT, SELF CENTERED ASSHOLES TONIGHT IN THESE THREADs. That's why we have Prick Scott for another four fucking years. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING BUT THEMSELVES...ALL ABOUT ME!!

AJ Guerra
AJ Guerra

Joseph - you can't even say happy birthday? That's just rude and inconsiderate as a human being.

Anthony Corrales
Anthony Corrales

I have no idea how you dress. You can dress in a tutu for all I know. From your ranting, you obviously need a hug, though. I'm just saying...

Fenris Wolf
Fenris Wolf

I worked in Miami beach for years, I know what Miami traffic is like and a protest shouldn't inconvenience innocent people. If they want to make a different you do that shit in front of the PD, Town Hall, and government buildings to inconvenience the people who actually can do something to change things. Instead they are making the countries top state for road rage stay #1 because once that cleared out I guarantee no one followed the speed limit to where they were headed putting their lives and others in danger. Pretty much, there is no benefit to blocking traffic. It just makes people mad not thoughtful.

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