In an inspired and welcome choice, the Department of State just named Jane Lubchenco as the first U.S. Science Envoy for the Ocean.

The move reflects both the growing priority of oceans in the Obama administration and the kind of collaborative approach it takes to restore jobs, communities and biodiversity worldwide.

This huge step comes just in time. Learn more:

Oceans are a growing priority for the Obama administration, as is a new and collaborative approach for restoring fisheries worldwide.|By Environmental Defense Fund

"I’m not going to lie: It was not a glamorous moment."

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the moment EDF's membership director found out we reached 1 million members, his best moment of 2014:

"I’m not going to lie: It was not a glamorous moment."

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the moment EDF's membership director found out we reached 1 million members, his best moment of 2014:

The EPA recently released much-awaited, tighter standards for smog pollution. As expected, it didn't take long before critics lashed out.

Here are 5 reasons EPA is right about tougher smog standards.

Tighter smog pollution controls are common-sense protections that will save lives and safeguard human health from one of the nation’s most ubiquitous air pollutants, ozone.|By Environmental Defense Fund

A recent Nature article notes, "more than a century after Mark Twain argued that the Mississippi River could never be tamed by engineers, dams and dikes constrain the great waterway... The rich delta ecosystem and the services it provides are being destroyed."

Deltas worldwide share this fate but there is hope when we let nature back into the game. Read more about our work on restoring the Mississippi River Delta:

Read the Nature article here:

A recent Nature article notes, "more than a century after Mark Twain argued that the Mississippi River could never be tamed by engineers, dams and dikes constrain the great waterway... The rich delta ecosystem and the services it provides are being destroyed."

Deltas worldwide share this fate but there is hope when we let nature back into the game. Read more about our work on restoring the Mississippi River Delta:

Read the Nature article here:

"I’m not going to lie: It was not a glamorous moment."

Read about the moment our director of membership found out we reached 1 million members.

We reached a membership milestone in 2014, and now it's all hands on deck to defend the environment.|By Environmental Defense Fund

In case you missed it: A handful of states are already proving that economic growth and environmental protection can go hand in hand. Here's how they’re using market forces, price signals and economic incentives to meet their goals.

Emission trading programs offer states proven strategies for cutting pollution and complying with EPA’s Clean Power Plan.|By Environmental Defense Fund

As negotiators at the latest global climate meeting gather this week in Lima, Peru, they are receiving a stark reminder of that warming - 2014 is in the running to become the warmest year on record.

The U.N.'s WMO is the latest agency to announce that 2014 is likely to be the warmest year on record.

How can we actually see global greenhouse emissions peak, level off and begin to decline in the next five years? It won’t be easy but we know we can do it because of these 3 breakthroughs.

We know we can turn the corner on climate change because it's happening already.|By Environmental Defense Fund

"New Mexico can be a leader in the clean energy economy. We can create high-paying jobs that cannot be outsourced, and that can help revitalize our rural areas. We have the technology. We have the resources. We must ensure our commitment matches the challenges we face."

We have the resources to create high-paying jobs, along with the clean energy our environment needs

Do you support ‪#‎GivingTuesday‬? Join the world in a global celebration of generosity:

Yesterday, EDF delivered more than 350,000 comments from Action Network members in support of EPA's historic Clean Power Plan to limit carbon pollution from its largest American source, our dirty fossil fuel-fired power plants. Congress has put the Clean Power Plan in the crosshairs and we need your…

We're close to a record number of ‪#‎ActOnClimate‬ comments – add your name before today's deadline:

We're close to a record number of #ActOnClimate comments – add your name before today's deadline:

The deadline is here! Heather, our Action Network Coordinator, is submitting our list of Clean Power Plan supporters to the EPA today – add your name before it's too late:

The deadline is here! Heather, our Action Network Coordinator, is submitting our list of Clean Power Plan supporters to the EPA today – add your name before it's too late:

It's Cyber Monday - how are you greening your shopping habits? Here are some helpful tips from two EDF experts.

Buying your holiday gifts online is better for the environment - maybe. We explain.|By Environmental Defense Fund

Do you participate in Cyber Monday?

This year, when you shop on, every gift you buy for a friend or loved one can also be a gift for the earth and all the people and animals who live here. Learn more:

Do you participate in Cyber Monday?

This year, when you shop on, every gift you buy for a friend or loved one can also be a gift for the earth and all the people and animals who live here. Learn more:

It's Black Friday - how are you making sure this holiday season doesn't inflate your carbon footprint? Read on for some helpful green shopping tips.

Buying your holiday gifts online is better for the environment - maybe. We explain.|By Environmental Defense Fund

This year, when you shop on, every gift you buy for a friend or loved one can also be a gift for the earth and all the people and animals who live here. Learn more:

This year, when you shop on, every gift you buy for a friend or loved one can also be a gift for the earth and all the people and animals who live here. Learn more:

Happy Thanksgiving! All of us at EDF want to thank you - our activists, members, and followers. We are proud to have you standing with us.

Happy Thanksgiving! All of us at EDF want to thank you - our activists, members, and followers. We are proud to have you standing with us.

We're hopeful - and thankful - because of you! Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

We're hopeful - and thankful - because of you! Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

EDF's Chief Economist is thankful for many things this year. Here's the top 6 reasons he's giving thanks:

EDF's Chief Economist is thankful for many things this year. Here's the top 6 reasons he's giving thanks:

The holiday season is here and with that comes an annual headache: What will all the shopping do to my carbon footprint?

Two EDF experts offer up some advice on how to make your shopping greener.

Buying your holiday gifts online is better for the environment - maybe. We explain.|By Environmental Defense Fund