Gillespie's rich friends leave him hanging

By Carrie Levine

Consummate GOP insider Ed Gillespie nearly wins Virginia Senate seat, no thanks to his deep-pocketed friends.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Virginia":

"… ten to him.” …"

"… Ed Gillespie decided to run against Democratic incumbent Mark Warner for a Virginia U.S. Senate seat, his bid was universally hailed as a long shot. No one, …"

"… big money. Conventional wisdom was off on both counts. Gillespie — and Virginia’s U.S. Senate race — turned out to be the surprise of election night. …"

"… eryone wondering if he would have upset Warner had such groups invested in Virginia’s race like they did in other U.S. Senate contests from Alaska to North …"

GOP rides cavalry to U.S. Senate majority

By Michael Beckel, Dave Levinthal and Carrie Levine

Super PACs, 'dark money' nonprofits help make Election Day difference as Republicans seize a U.S. Senate majority

Excerpts from this story referencing "Politics":

"… for Public Integrity review of data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics, just two Senate contests saw outside groups spend more on elections than …"

"… 5 million to the FEC as of Tuesday, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. (Party committees also reported spending an additional $14 million.) Sim …"

"… es spent an additional $19 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Hagan outraised Tillis by a ratio of more than 2-to-1 and liberals accou …"

Flush with mystery money, Kentucky nonprofit haunts Grimes’ Senate bid

By Michael Beckel

Formerly modest nonprofit becomes deep-pocketed, dark money benefactor of Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Republican Party":

"… d Nathan Haney, the chairman of the Louisville-based Jefferson County Republican Party. “And they’ve done a great job.” Haney added that he had “no idea …"

Oops: Republican super PAC misidentifies source of massive donation

By Michael Beckel

Super PAC acknowledges a $300,000 gift came from parents of GOP Senate candidate Dan Sullivan, not a wealth management firm.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Florida":

"… 's corporate headquarters in Philadelphia but that of a beachside condo in Florida. Thomas Sullivan is the owner of the $3 million, 2,850-square-foot condo, …"

Conservative super PAC scores cash from entity tied to Arizona Cardinals

By Michael Beckel

GOP powerhouse American Crossroads got $50,000 from a limited liability company that shares its address with the Arizona Cardinals.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Ed Gillespie":

"… ican Crossroads, the super PAC co-founded by GOP strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie, which, this year, has actively supported Republican candidates such as Th …"

GOP civil war rages in Senate primary battles

By Dave Levinthal

Conservative nonprofits and super PACs have spent $10 million bashing Republicans to the delight of Democrats.

Excerpts from this story referencing "American Crossroads":

"… n phone calls and mailers opposing White in the North Carolina. Super PAC American Crossroads, founded in part by GOP strategist Karl Rove, has yet to launch negative a …"

"… support while also holding the Democrats accountable for their records,” American Crossroads spokesman Paul Lindsay said of his super PAC’s strategy. In addition to …"

Democrats easily outpace Republicans in super PAC fundraising race

By Michael Beckel

Democrats are fully embracing the independent political money groups they once derided in an effort to retain the Senate this year.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Mississippi":

"… y conservative. Republicans vs. Republicans The potential targets include Mississippi’s Sen. Thad Cochran, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Senate Mi …"

"… Club for Growth’s super PAC has spent more than $200,000 on ads backing Mississippi state Sen. Chris McDaniel, who is challenging Cochran. And the Senate Cons …"

"… School in Los Angeles. That phenomenon is already unfolding in Kentucky, Mississippi and South Carolina — and a host of other states from Alaska to North Car …"

"… eing. And in mid-January, Cochran’s backers launched a super PAC called Mississippi Conservatives. That group has not yet disclosed any of its funders, but it …"

Pro-gay marriage Republican group boosted by Karl Rove’s super PAC

By Julie Patel and Michael Beckel

Hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer's 'American Unity' super PAC received $53,000 from American Crossroads last year.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Gabriel Gomez":

"… man Jonathan Collegio said the contribution was designed to aid Republican Gabriel Gomez, a pro-gay marriage U.S. Senate candidate, who was defeated by Democratic …"

'Citizens United' ruling helped unions win state elections

By Alan Suderman and Ben Wieder

National unions, business groups focused on states in 2012 elections with unions gaining the edge, new analysis shows.

Excerpts from this story referencing "CEO":

"… arget for giving $150,000 to MN Forward. The ensuing uproar led Target’s CEO Gregg Steinhafel to issue an apology and may have chilled future corporate …"

Democrats seize super PAC crown

By Michael Beckel

Liberal groups outraised conservative counterparts 2-to-1 in first half of 2013.

Excerpts from this story referencing "American Crossroads":

"… he re-election of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. Likewise, American Crossroads, the behemoth co-founded in 2010 by GOP strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gille …"

"… oma-based Rooney Holdings ($150,000). Jonathan Collegio, the spokesman of American Crossroads, predicted that “enthusiasm about the opportunity to win control of the …"

Rove-affiliated groups spend $175 million, lose 21 of 30 races

By Michael Beckel and Reity O'Brien

Super PAC American Crossroads goes 3-10, nonprofit Crossroads GPS goes 7-17

Excerpts from this story referencing "Montana":

"… addition to Indiana, Majority PAC’s 14 “wins” included victories in Montana and North Dakota, states where Obama lost the popular vote to Romney.Super …"

Super PACs, nonprofits favored Romney over Obama

By Michael Beckel and Russ Choma

Funds from outside contributors neutralized Obama's fundraising advantage.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Florida":

"… pending has coarsened the political debate, flooding the airwaves in Ohio, Florida, Virginia and other battleground states with negative, often inaccurate ad …"

Pennsylvania governor benefited from untraceable $1.5 million donation

By Paul Abowd and Alexandra Duszak

How Pennsylvania's governor benefited from an untraceable $1.5 million donation.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Montana":

"… n, according to Politico. Republican gubernatorial candidates Rick Hill of Montana and Rob McKenna of Washington were also present. The RGA is devoting mill …"

"… ckups as Democrats leave open governorships in North Carolina, Washington, Montana, and New Hampshire. The RGA has dedicated millions to challenge Democratic …"

"… nsor ads attacking Democratic candidates for governor in West Virginia and Montana. Donors and spending on these ads were not reported to the states in quest …"

Big business prefers GOP over Democratic super PACs

By Michael Beckel

Corporations have made big contributions to super PACs with conservative groups the biggest benefactors.

Excerpts from this story referencing "John Podesta":

"… ta, the sister-in-law of President Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff, John Podesta.The company has lobbied on a variety of energy and environmental issues, s …"

FACT CHECK: A new front in the ‘war on women’

By FactCheck.Org

Romney's senior campaign advisor makes inaccurate statements on President Obama's economics.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Ed Gillespie":

"… f women under the president.– Eugene Kiely …"

Top 10 donors make up a third of donations to super PACs

By John Dunbar and Michael Beckel

Super PACs have collected $200 million, a third of it from the top 10 contributors.

Excerpts from this story referencing "American Crossroads":

"… e given to six different super PACs this cycle, but the conservative group American Crossroads, co-founded by Karl Rove, former adviser to President George W. Bush, is b …"

"… pro-Mitt Romney super PAC Restore Our Future and $2.5 million has gone to American Crossroads.The other individual donors in the top 10 are:Peter Thiel (fifth), a liber …"

"… .A. Jerrold Perenchio (sixth), gave $2.6 million, with $2 million going to American Crossroads. He is a longtime GOP donor and former owner of Spanish language network U …"

"… the creation of super PACs. It said that outside spending groups — like American Crossroads, for example — could accept unlimited contributions from corporations, u …"

Democratic operatives seeking million-dollar checks for super PACs

By Peter H. Stone

Obama is accused of hypocrisy for White House backing of super PAC fundraising effort

Excerpts from this story referencing "Ed Gillespie":

"… ts non-profit arm, launched in early 2010 by GOP consultants Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie, are trying to raise $300 million, according to fundraisers close to the g …"

Haley Barbour is cranking up his Crossroads fundraising while winding down governorship

By Peter H. Stone

Legendary fundraiser Haley Barbour picks up pace for GOP's Crossroads

Excerpts from this story referencing "Republican National Committee":

"… ndraising skills in the mid-1990s when he spent several years chairing the Republican National Committee which was instrumental in the GOP’s 1994 Congressional sweep. Barbour’ …"

Fine line between politics and issues spending by secretive 501(c)(4) groups

By Peter H. Stone

Tax-exempt nonprofits are reporting only a fraction of what they're raising and spending

Excerpts from this story referencing "Ohio":

"… hree Jewish candidates are running for Senate seats in Florida, Hawaii and Ohio. There are no Jewish GOP senators currently.Another example is Americans f …"

The weekly watchdog: Oct. 17 - Oct. 21

By Bill Buzenberg

In case you missed them, catch up on this week's top investigations from iWatch News

Excerpts from this story referencing "Mari Eisenman":

"… from the Countrywide Cover-UpThe tales just grow more tawdry. Days before Mari Eisenman was to undergo cancer surgery, a senior vice president with her employer, …"

One House seat in Kentucky embodies how outside groups dominate politics — with money

By Anne Farris Rosen

Candidates become mere pawns as big-money groups duke it out with attack ads

Excerpts from this story referencing "Bluegrass Committee":

"… he has not seen Law since 1993. McConnell’s political action committee, Bluegrass Committee, contributed $5,000 to Barr in 2010.Crossroads’ bankerAmerican Crossroad …"

New GOP campaign is aimed at Hispanics

By Peter H. Stone

Initiative will focus on economic freedom to attract Hispanic votes

Excerpts from this story referencing "Alberto Gonzales":

"… l feature New Mexico’s Governor Susana Martinez, former attorney general Alberto Gonzales — whose Justice Department Korn once worked for—and several other Hisp …"

Tim Pawlenty's ties to "Swift Boat" Bob Perry

By Delal Pektas and Kelsey Sheehy

Texas donor of "Swift Boat" fame has long come to Tim Pawlenty's aid

Excerpts from this story referencing "Minnesota":

"… d.Less well-known is a similar attack ad campaign that Perry bankrolled in Minnesota in 2006, when Pawlenty was in danger of losing his office as Minnesota gov …"

"… in Minnesota in 2006, when Pawlenty was in danger of losing his office as Minnesota governor.Pawlenty’s challenger, Mike Hatch, maintained a small but consi …"

"… race. Pawlenty “needed a Hail Mary,” said Ken Martin, chairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor party and Hatch’s campaign manager in 2006..Perr …"

"… �Now that he's running for governor, don't let his problems become ours.”Minnesota voters were unaware of who financed the anti-Hatch ads until well after th …"

Obama groups raise $4-5 million in first two months

By Peter H. Stone

Democratic groups already collecting millions in unlimited contributions for Obama re-election

Excerpts from this story referencing "George Soros":

"… Another challenge facing the Democrats this year is convincing billionaire George Soros to open his checkbook wide. To date, he has only given $75,000 to the Hous …"

Democratic donors and operatives talk money at posh Laguna Beach resort

By Peter H. Stone

Democratic donors and consultants talk money for the 2012 campaigns at exclusive Laguna Beach hotel

Excerpts from this story referencing "American Bridge":

"… ions, who will run the House Majority PAC; and David Brock, the founder of American Bridge 21st Century, a group that will focus on doing opposition research.These a …"

American Crossroads robocalls tell Washington voters to back Rossi

By Aaron Mehta and Josh Israel

A Skamokawa, Wash., reader alerted us to a statewide robocall by American Crossroads, a conservative group flush with cash that opposes the

Excerpts from this story referencing "Bob Perry":

"… of its large donors and they include Texas billionaire Harold Simmons and Bob Perry, a Houston homebuilder known for financing the Swift Boat Veterans for Tru …"

Crossroads GPS ad attacks Harry Reid, and attack ads

By Josh Israel and Aaron Mehta

Crossroads Grassroots Political Strategies (GPS), a conservative group that has poured millions of dollars into attack ads, is airing a new

Excerpts from this story referencing "American Crossroads":

"… lespie, Crossroads GPS is tax-exempt 501(c)(4) advocacy group connected to American Crossroads. The group’s new 30-second ad encourages Nevada voters to defeat the Sen …"

"… atic Sen. Patty Murray.Jonathan Collegio, spokesman for Crossroads GPS and American Crossroads, explained the strategy behind the ad. “Toward the end of the election c …"

Harold Simmons

By Peter H. Stone

In conservative and GOP money circles, Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons is almost a household name. ...

Excerpts from this story referencing "America":

"… gain this year via checks for $1 million apiece to the newly founded group American Crossroads that were written by two little-known companies in which the 7 …"

"… s sizable holdings.The checks were among the first to come in the door for American Crossroads. They came after a visit from Crossroads’ informal advisers …"

"… Rove and Ed Gillespie to talk up the important mission they envisioned for American Crossroads in helping GOP congressional candidates this fall.Simmons was …"

"… in 2008, Simmons was listed as a $2.88 million donor to a group called the American Issues Project, which ran some of the most negative ads of that year’s …"

Campaign cash: The independent fundraising gold rush since 'Citizens United' ruling

By Peter H. Stone

For many powerful GOP operatives and allied fundraisers, the luncheon last April felt like one part reunion and one part strategy summit for

Excerpts from this story referencing "American Crossroads":

"… lespie. The powerful pair had teamed up earlier in the year to help launch American Crossroads, a non-profit group with separate political advocacy and grassroots lobbyi …"

"… ; Steven Law, a former general counsel at the Chamber and the president of American Crossroads; and Greg Casey, the president of the Business Industry Political Action C …"

"… the year, having raised millions of dollars to jumpstart the fledgling 527 American Crossroads and its 501(c)(4) affiliate, Crossroads GPS.These independent GOP allies r …"

"… on effort that launched last year.Rove and Gillespie lead money charge for American CrossroadsAn affiliate group of American Crossroads is perhaps the most prominent and …"

Karl Rove, GOP heavyweights find sugar daddies for groups influencing elections

By Peter H. Stone

Despite having no official position, former President Bush adviser Karl Rove remains a potent, behind-the-scenes operative doing his utmost

Excerpts from this story referencing "Karl Rove":

"… work. …"
