House GOP rebukes Obama on immigration

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

Republicans approved the bill, which is viewed largely as symbolic, as House Speaker John Boehner aims to bolster his standing and support as he aims to avoid a government shutdown.

Latest Politics News

7 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

7 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

Jobs, Grammys and Moneyball.

Supreme Court to hear Texas Confederate-flag license plate case

Supreme Court to hear Texas Confederate-flag license plate case

At issue is whether the rejection of the plate violated the free speech rights of the group that wanted it.

Many of the worst run states in the country are states hit the hardest by the housing crash

Many of the worst run states in the country are states hit the hardest by the housing crash

Five of the 10 worst run states in America saw home values plummet after the market crash.

Did New York’s de Blasio say what Obama can’t on race?

Did New York’s de Blasio say what Obama can’t on race?

The mayor’s impassioned comments about racism and policing drew comparisons and critics.

What would happen if the government shut down — and didn’t reopen?

What would happen if the government shut down — and didn’t reopen?

It’s unlikely to happen, but here’s the absolute worst-case scenario of next week’s worst-case scenario.

Jet-setting postal regulator replaced amid scrutiny of travel habits

Jet-setting postal regulator replaced amid scrutiny of travel habits

The globetrotting chairman, Ruth Goldway, was criticized for years over frequent trips abroad that she charged to U.S. taxpayers.


Being a teen in the White House

Being a teen in the White House

Here’s a look back at the unique challenges other teenagers had growing up on Pennsylvania Ave.


Why it's tough being a teen in the White House

Why it's tough being a teen in the White House

Sasha and Malia Obama aren't the first teenagers in the White House to fall under scrutiny. Here's a look back at other first children and the unique challenges they had growing up on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Texas is the Best State in America

Texas is the Best State in America

Prison reforms from 2007 have stemmed the explosive growth of the state’s prison population.

Elite fragmentation and securitization in Bahrain

Elite fragmentation and securitization in Bahrain

The intensity of Bahrain’s crackdown since 2011 is explained in part by ruling family politics and the support of securitization by external backers.

Ashton Carter’s nomination ensures that Obama’s Cabinet will remain loaded up with graduates of elite institutions.

Ashton Carter’s nomination ensures that Obama’s Cabinet will remain loaded up with graduates of elite institutions.

The list of schools attended by the Obama’s administration’s top officials would warm the heart of any high-school guidance counselor.

Reports of Chris Christie’s political demise have been *greatly* exaggerated

Reports of Chris Christie’s political demise have been *greatly* exaggerated

A Democratic-led inquiry turns up little.

Are California and Minnesota the two most innovation-friendly states?

Are California and Minnesota the two most innovation-friendly states?

A business school professor argues that limitations on non-compete agreements may encourage innovation.


Obama busts a move with Santa Claus

Obama busts a move with Santa Claus

President Obama wowed Saint Nick with his dance moves Thursday night at the National Christmas Tree Lighting.

The ‘Why not me?’ race for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016

The ‘Why not me?’ race for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016

The field is going to be HUGE.

The best run states in the country are ones with lots of natural resources and Republican governors

The best run states in the country are ones with lots of natural resources and Republican governors

North Dakota is the best run state in the country, a new ranking found.

Ind. abortion clinic law ruled unconstitutional

Ind. abortion clinic law ruled unconstitutional

The judge said the law violates the Equal Protection Clause.

The paradox of newsworthiness

Credulous reports of a supposed Mars mission illustrates systematic bias in science and technology reporting.

This is what the Obama economy looks like, in 2 charts

This is what the Obama economy looks like, in 2 charts

A look at job growth in key sectors.

KRS-One, “Sound of Da Police“: The Week in One Song

KRS-One, “Sound of Da Police“: The Week in One Song

No indictment in the Eric Garner case.

The resurgence of Arab militaries

The resurgence of Arab militaries

The Arab uprisings and reactions to them have resulted in a profound militarization of the Arab world.

Jay Rockefeller really hates the ‘permanent campaign’

Jay Rockefeller really hates the ‘permanent campaign’

After 30 years, the West Virginia senator says goodbye to Capitol Hill.

And now, a congressional ethics holiday rhyme

And now, a congressional ethics holiday rhyme

For a congressional staffer it’s impossible to keep up with all the rules around the holidays.

How immigration reform is winning, even while it’s still losing

How immigration reform is winning, even while it’s still losing

71% of Americans say the system is “broken.” And that’s something.

Government helps feds repay their student loans less often

Government helps feds repay their student loans less often

The decline raises questions about whether the federal government can effectively attract and retain high-demand workers.

Do single parents really receive $35,000 in government benefits?

Do single parents really receive $35,000 in government benefits?

An incoming congressman is critical of the welfare system. We check his math.

Garner grand jury case reaction unifies left and right

Garner grand jury case reaction unifies left and right

Unlike the divisive grand jury verdict in Missouri, the New York decision has brought criticism from conservatives.

Tensions spike as Holder takes on Cleveland police

Tensions spike as Holder takes on Cleveland police

The Obama administration and the city agreed to establish an independent monitor to oversee changes, including better training and supervision of officers.

A waiting game on war authorization against Islamic State

A waiting game on war authorization against Islamic State

Obama and Congress agree on need for measure but are stuck on the ‘what,’ ‘when’ and ‘how’ questions.

Mixed reviews for task force leader Ramsey

Mixed reviews for task force leader Ramsey

The veteran police chief has a lot of experience, but those years on the job haven’t been free of controversy.


The speaker’s fine with Obama speaking

The speaker’s fine with Obama speaking

John Boehner figures the president’s words are bound to work to the Republicans’ advantage.


Major civil rights coalition opposes postal consolidation

Major civil rights coalition opposes postal consolidation

Civil rights leaders say reorganization would hurt black and brown communities.


First family sings, dances at Tree lighting

First family sings, dances at Tree lighting

President Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and their daughters joined singer Patti LaBelle, actor Tom Hanks and others on stage at the annual National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony.

6 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

6 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

Rum, money and post offices.