Man Wrote Over $100K in Bad Checks to Miami Heat for Luxury Seats

Categories: Sports

The Miami ecosystem is so awash in con men and two-bit pretenders that not even the Miami Heat are immune.

Ibes Gomez appeared to be a big baller during the Heat's 2012 playoff run. He sat in seats in a luxury box for five games, including three during the Finals. The total price he owed to the Heat: $113,963. So he wrote them some checks ... and those checks bounced.

According to the Miami Herald, he's now charged for ripping off the team and is in jail awaiting trial.

Gomez owned a company named Logicare Corp. His lawyer claims that an investor failing to come through is what caused the checks to bounce, but Gomez has a history of writing bad checks. He also face charges for writing $8,400 in bad checks to two local tire business, and wrote a $1,050 bad check to the Miami Dolphins to score tickets to a game against the patriots.

He had been previously placed on probation for writing a string of bad checks in 2008.

You'd think perhaps the Heat might do a little more research on a guy before accepting checks form him that totaled in the six figures.

Then again, this isn't the first time the team has been swindled by a con man in recent times. Haider Zafar dreaded three players on the team out of a combined $7.5 million after being introduced to the them by team execs.

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frankd4 topcommenter

.............$113,ooo for FIVE games ? HUH ? who ripped who off ?

Danielle DeCola Shub
Danielle DeCola Shub

Maybe if they weren't all doing blow in the bathroom before the games they'd realize they were being conned.

Aspen Giles
Aspen Giles

And Billy Corben and the Miami New times make a living off bashing Miami!


Finally!  Miami has a 100% legit fan!

Edward Joseph
Edward Joseph

..dang, he invited me to go to a game with him... guess that's not gonna happen now.

James Kendall
James Kendall

So the Heat execs are about as sharp as everyone else in Miami. Color me shocked.

Luis R. Perez
Luis R. Perez

Maybe they should have waited for the checks to clear.

Pete Gonzalez
Pete Gonzalez

Maybe he was just anticipated LeBron was a fraud


lol me too i went to school with him!!!! Springs

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