Don't Let the IRS Gut the First Amendment!

3,079 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

The IRS confessed to targeting conservative groups in a stunning abuse of power.

Nobody has been held accountable for these outrageous abuses.  Indeed, the apparent ringleader of the suppression scheme, Lois Lerner, was granted six months of paid administrative leave and then allowed to retire with her full pension!

The IRS now proposes not to rectify its own misbehavior, but to blame the victims and codify its own misdeeds by adopting draconian limitations on the free speech rights of 501(c)4 social welfare groups. An unprecedented outpouring of public opposition put over 140,000 comments in the docket opposing this rule.

The proposed regulations would restrict groups from engaging in voter registration drives, candidate debates, voter guides, voting records and key votes.  They would restrict any criticism of an incumbent federal, state, or local politician within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election and effectively require groups to remove any reference to politicians from their websites during these windows.  They even distort the definition of "candidate" to include appointees, so groups weighing in on executive or judicial nominations would be restricted.

The House has passed HR3865 to stop the rule on a strong bipartisna vote. But the Senate refuses to act!

Tell your senators: "Stop the IRS's effort to gut the First Amendment!"

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How can "The IRS now proposes not to rectify its own misbehavior, but to blame the victims and codify its own misdeeds by adopting draconian limitations on the free speech rights of 501(c)4 social welfare groups. this be true? You were elected by the public and have a responsibility to protect us today. I am sure tthat there are things within that I am not aware of, but just be sure to take care of the peoples who voted for you- First.]
Now with a conservative congress, hopefully we can stop these kinds of attacks on the American citizens who have worked hard to support their families and have had enough pride to NEVER accept a handout from the liberals who's goal is to control us. Search: Cloward-Piven strategy at
All of the out of control federal agencies must be brought back under control. The government must obey the law.
Reid thinks this is cool now. How will he feel when the shoe is on the other foot? The majority can not and will not stay the way it is.