Rick Scott Won't Get to Drug Test Poor People After All: Federal Court Rejects Welfare Testing

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Rick Scott's obsessive quest to drug test every man, woman and child in the state of Florida appears to be at an end.

Seven months after the Supreme Court declined to hear his administration's argument for drug testing state employees, the governor lost again yesterday when a federal appeals resoundingly rejected his attempts to drug test welfare applicants.

"We have no reason to think impoverished individuals are necessarily and inherently prone to drug use, or, for that matter, are more prone to drug use than the general population," the court ruled.

The ruling spelled out other seemingly self-evident truths for Scott, such as:
1) poor people don't forego privacy rights because they are poor, and
2) unnecessary piss tests are a violation of that right to privacy

No, really. Judge Stanley Marcus felt the need to point this out in a scathing 54-page decision.

"Of course, citizens do not abandon all hope of privacy by applying for government assistance," he wrote. "By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy -- they are not employees in dangerous vocations or students subject to the parens patriae power of the state. And 'the collection and testing of urine intrudes upon expectations of privacy that society has long recognized as reasonable.'"

TANF stands for "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families," a program commonly referred to as welfare.

Marcus also excoriated the testimony of three witnesses provided by Scott's administration.

Michael Carroll, a DCF employee, claimed he had "firsthand observed a strong correlation between drug use and employment, as well as drug use and poverty, and had observed drug use as a substantial barrier to employment for the population likely to participate in TANF. Carroll added that he had personally observed hundreds of TANF applicants who appeared to be under the influence of drugs, and that TANF recipients are more likely to use drugs than recipients of other government benefits."

"The district court found that the evidence submitted by the State from [the three witnesses] was inadmissible and could not have been reduced to admissible evidence at trial," Marcus wrote. The witnesses "were not qualified as experts, and their opinions were offered without support from any relevant studies or empirical data."

"In the final analysis, the warrantless, suspicionless urinalysis drug testing of every Florida TANF applicant as a mandatory requirement for receiving Temporary Cash Assistance offends the Fourth Amendment," Marcus wrote near the end of his ruling.

"We respect the State's overarching and laudable desire to promote work, protect families, and conserve resources. But, above all else, we must enforce the Constitution and the limits it places on government," he concluded. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must -- and we do -- hold that ยง 414.0652 crosses the constitutional line."

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My Voice Nation Help
Jason Winburn
Jason Winburn

Everyone's so self absorbed in America I don't think anyone's thinking about you or Florida....

Matthew Crenshaw
Matthew Crenshaw

You have to take a drug test to get a job so why wouldn't the same apply for welfare. I love how everyone hates on Rick Scott but in truth really doesn't know why.

Mitch Miranda
Mitch Miranda

Marietta Naranjo Mont is an idiot that thinks she has the right to invade poor people in their privacy, because she pays taxes.

Cheryl Smith
Cheryl Smith

You are really sighing at me? It's ok for this asshole to make medical decisions when he can't even make the correct political decisions. Not in my world and certainly not as a woman.

Gilda Scott
Gilda Scott

Good he is a real asshole and just as many white use drugs as Black's or more.

Patrick D. Garez
Patrick D. Garez

And we wonder why the rest of the country thinks we are all redneck morons, in FL. We re-elected this idiot!!!

William Morrison
William Morrison

How about lie detector tests for politicians and their contractors.

pod_nt topcommenter

Ain't nobody's business what you do in your private life. The government has zero say over your natural freedoms and rights. You have the right to speak your mind freely. You have the right to defend yourself by any means necessary, and you have the right to choose what goes into your body. The government, or anyone else has no say in that matter. You rule your own life.ย 

Do all the drugs you want, just remember the consequences of your actions.ย 

As long as a person follows whatever other rules are in place for public welfare, who cares what they do at home? If they want to smoke a joint after a long day working a minimum-wage job or looking for a job, that's their choice.ย 

Sidebar: The existence of welfare is beyond the scope of this specific conversation.

Republicans and Democrats are two faces of the same party. Both parties want to turn us into subjects and strip away our fundamental natural rights.ย 

Luis Gonzalez Jr
Luis Gonzalez Jr

you see jake is the typical douchebag that votes for republican just because, just because his parents do or just because his parents are rich and doesnt give a fuck about his community since hes pretty much given everything in life from mommy and daddy

FP Torres
FP Torres

Rafael Jenes. You're the typical Idiot Libtard of the Demoncratic party. And your type are so stupid that you would vote for a former hardcore Republican in Turncoat Charlie just because he calls himself a Democrat.

John Fomon
John Fomon

Rick Scott is a con artist skummy piece of shit

sweetliberty17761776 topcommenter

employers are allowed to test employees for drugs

so its normal for this to extend to welfare patients er I mean recipientsย 

random checks are legit

to bad their is a double standardย 

Rafael Jenes
Rafael Jenes

He doesn't even realize that he voted against his own best interest like so many other uninformed followers of the republican party. His leaders laugh at people like him in private and cross their fingers that his blindfold never come off. Sad smh.

Chris Anthony
Chris Anthony

Test him first for everything, not just drugs!!!!

Ray Grandon
Ray Grandon

Everybody that works for government should be tested and anybody who gets assistance from government should be tested!

Matt Roberts
Matt Roberts

He is a racist and you're an assuming asshole. This has been his agenda since he took office. Add this to him destroying unemployment,; he's the worst governer in Fl history. Racism is a problem that won't be swept under the rug. Moron.

James Kendall
James Kendall

Awww, poor Skeletor won't be able to fraudulently run all the testing through the company he owns. Waaaa!! #dickhead

Josรฉ Manuel
Josรฉ Manuel

Let's test for drugs all those executives receiving corporate welfare... Cocaine and meth are the norm of the day on WS

Evan Rice
Evan Rice

Really sucks when both sides of the equation are at fault. You have the ones trained to live a substandard life off government entitlements and the rich Cronys making money off them. Once again the middle class foots the bill and get crushed.

Carter Carter
Carter Carter

If they drug test people for Benefits they should start with elected officials!


Aww, there goes one gravy train of Rick Scotts' slimy sleazebag governorship. He probably told the courts his mom told him he was a good boy so they should just ignore the constitution but he will use it to his advantage when its convenient--- 75 times

Evelyn L Massey
Evelyn L Massey

If they want to drug test, start with the elected officials!

Ronald RJ Palka
Ronald RJ Palka

Rick Scott if you can't drug test them stop all benefits. - From a person who had to get drug tested TO work and I'm supporting those unemployed leeches.

FP Torres
FP Torres

Florida where dumbasses still abounds

Danny Cespedes
Danny Cespedes

Too bad, looks like Rick's drug testing company won't be getting a massive profit after all. I'm so sad! *rolls eyes*

Jake Gonzalez Jr.
Jake Gonzalez Jr.

Awwww New Times... Still butt hurt from Change-O-Matic Charlie's loss, huh? Apply cold water to burned area. :) FP

Oscar Moyano
Oscar Moyano

It's incredibly moronic to focus on that instead, instead they should prosecute TAX evaders and stop subsidizing those giant corporations that suck BILLIONS of our taxes.

sweetliberty17761776 topcommenter

"his own best interests"

you mean doing the right thing instead of pandering for votes like the communistsย 

sweetliberty17761776 topcommenter

thats socialism for you

but the majority are, as Dem strategist Johnathan Gruber admitted

ignorant and stupid and thats why the dems /rinos continue to buy votesย 

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