Court case pushed by think tank could leave uninsured out in the cold

By Wendell Potter

Supreme Court case backed by think tank hinges on single sentence in Affordable Care Act.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Washington":

"… what the cost, so be it, say the folks at a libertarian influence shop in Washington. When the high court announced earlier this month that it would decide a …"

"… heir health insurance, it was time for high-fives at the Cato Institute in Washington. Cato’s director of health policy studies, Michael Cannon, has argued f …"

Koch-linked organization uses ‘dark money’ to fight political disclosure

By Michael Beckel

Most of the $13 million raised by American Commitment has come three Koch-backed groups.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Internal Revenue Service":

"… American Commitment, it has done so without disclosing its funders. …"

Four years after passage, House keeps trying to kill Dodd-Frank

By Jared Bennett

On the fourth anniversary of the passage of landmark financial reform law, opponents still trying to kill it.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Jeb Hensarling":

"… n the clock to undermine key provisions in the financial reform law. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, named by the Center’s April report as the captain of the banki …"

Libertarians declare 'mission accomplished' in Virginia — after super PAC help

By Michael Beckel

Libertarians pleased with showing in Virginia gubernatorial race, where super PACs bolstered their underdog candidate.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Cato Institute":

"… and billionaire options trader Jeffrey Yass, who sits on the board of the Cato Institute, as the Center for Public Integrity has previously reported. Meanwhile, t …"

"… a former chairman of the Libertarian National Committee and founder of the Cato Institute — told the Center for Public Integrity that his group's extra boost was …"

Libertarian-leaning super PAC raising big money

By Adam Wollner

New group is led by the Cato Institute's founder and a former FEC chairman.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Federal Election Commission":

"… ork of wealthy, like-minded donors. Purple PAC, a super PAC led by former Federal Election Commission Chairman Brad Smith and Cato Institute founder Ed Crane, raised $575,000 f …"

Corporations, pro-business nonprofits foot bill for judicial seminars

By Chris Young, Reity O'Brien and Andrea Fuller

Corporations and conservative foundations are top sponsors of judicial junkets.

Excerpts from this story referencing "spokesman":

"… t popular George Mason conference, drawing at least 10 federal judges. BP spokesman Scott Dean says the company has no record of ever directly contributing to …"

Donors use charity to push free-market policies in states

By Paul Abowd

Charity acts as screen for conservative foundations that feed network of state-based think tanks, media outlets.

Excerpts from this story referencing "North Dakota":

"… oard member Rudie Martinson, a former assistant state director for AFP’s North Dakota’s chapter, and Franklin’s vice president of strategic initiatives …"

Daily Disclosure: Web video implies Biden ‘on something’ in debate

By Rachael Marcus

Video paid for by 'social' welfare' nonprofit.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Cato Institute":

"… co-founder with billionaire conservative Charles Koch, of the libertarian Cato Institute.Rich’s organizations have been criticized for operating under the guise …"

Nonprofit profile: Club for Growth Inc.

By Rachael Marcus

Quick stats on the nonprofit group, supporting conservatives

Excerpts from this story referencing "Arizona":

"… ding groups in South Carolina, Kentucky, Wisconsin and Missouri. Groups in Arizona, Virginia, Kansas and California have disbanded, according to a  …"

"… independent expenditure is from July, when the group aired ads supporting Arizona Republican Rep. Jeff Flake in his U.S. Senate bid against fellow Republica …"

Daily Disclosure: Patriot Majority USA targets Koch brothers

By Alexandra Duszak

A liberal super PAC and a nonprofit kick off campaign targeting billionaire industrialists.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Montana":

"… y PAC, costs $1.6 million and features ads that will air in Indiana, Ohio, Montana and North Dakota.“Means,” from Patriot Majority USA, criticizes Montan …"

"… ontana and North Dakota.“Means,” from Patriot Majority USA, criticizes Montana U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg’s votes to privatize Social Security. Rehberg is …"

FACT CHECK: Romney’s ‘fiscal conservative’ whopper

By FactCheck.Org

Romney alleges that Rick Santorum is no 'fiscal conservative,' but he'd struggle to back up the claim

Excerpts from this story referencing "Ron Paul":

"… Several Republicans have better records, to be sure. NTU rates Texas Rep. Ron Paul’s record at nearly 91 percent and awards  him a lifetime “A” av …"

A preemptive and false attack in Wisconsin

By FactCheck.Org

Former governor of Wis. slammed in ad for supporting Obamacare, increases in taxes and spending

Excerpts from this story referencing "Cato Institute":

"… percent.Club for Growth cites a 1998 report from the libertarian Cato Institute that said Thompson's "latest budgets have called for massive new spending. …"

"… eport actually provides a mixed assessment, giving Thompson a grade of "C."Cato Institute, 1998: Thompson's trailblazing reforms in welfare and education and h …"

As IRS crusades against Americans hiding money offshore, Latin American tax cheats flock to U.S. banks

By Michael Hudson

U.S. and its banks called "biggest tax haven" in world

Excerpts from this story referencing "bank accounts":

"… tates. U.S. officials can’t tell these countries about their citizens’ bank accounts here because the government doesn’t collect the information. Under Amer …"

"… ir governments are unstable and they worry that if information about their bank accounts gets out, they could be left vulnerable to political terrorists or for-pro …"

Donald Trump's lawsuits could turn off conservatives who embrace tort reform

By Peter H. Stone

Trump and his companies have sued, and been sued, hundreds of times

Excerpts from this story referencing "Cato Institute":

"… is record of litigation,” conservative legal scholar Walter Olson of the Cato Institute told iWatch News. He said a big question will be “how consistent is [Tru …"

Koch's web of influence

By John Aloysius Farrell

The Koch Industries web of influence

Excerpts from this story referencing "Eli Lilly":

"… ve Koch representatives joined colleagues from ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Eli Lilly and other NEDA-CAP members to register concerns with EPA officials over th …"

Executives with criminal records slip through FHA crackdown, documents show

By Brian Grow

A crackdown on reckless mortgage lenders by the Federal Housing Administration has failed to root out several executives with criminal recor

Excerpts from this story referencing "America":

"… doing business with the agency, according to documents and interviews.Lend America was banned by HUD last December after the Justice Department accused the c …"

"… ed the company it of originating fraudulent loans insured by the FHA. Lend America’s chief business strategist, Michael Ashley, was barred from the FHA for …"

"… cted felons.According to the Justice Department lawsuit filed against Lend America, for example, its chief business strategist, Michael Ashley, had a 10-year …"

"… Department alleged that he directly controlled sales at the firm. Yet Lend America never identified Ashley as one of its principals. …"

Despite court win after Citizens United, SpeechNow.Org yet to capitalize

By Josh Israel and Aaron Mehta

Last week, a Houston-based group called Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC, alerted the Federal Election Commission that it intends to raise unlim

Excerpts from this story referencing "Cato Institute":

"… o helped found is Edward Crane, president of the libertarian Cato Institute.The following is a list of groups that have notified the FEC so far:Americ …"

Straining the FHA's umbrella

By Brian Grow and Binyamin Appelbaum

A District nonprofit organization that says it helps cash-strapped homeowners avoid foreclosure is under federal investigation for instead h

Excerpts from this story referencing "president":

"… aranteed loans, launched its partnership in November 2008. The company’s president, Jim Hodge, said he saw the program as a marketing tool and did not track …"

"… ro said. Before launching his nonprofits, Del Sontro worked as senior vice president of franchise and sales development for Cendant Real Estate, a unit of the …"

"… f your back.”First Alternative is no longer in business. Its founder and president could not be located for comment.Among those whose payments were covered b …"

Developers in the driver's seat on transportation

By Matthew Lewis

Unfocused transport policy leaves real estate industry eager to give Congress directions

Excerpts from this story referencing "Michigan":

"… government is broke.” Instead, Leinberger, who founded the University of Michigan’s graduate real estate development program, points to businessmen in Min …"

You broke it? You fix it.

By John Dunbar

Firms that fed off the subprime lending frenzy that devastated the banking system are lining up to collect more than $21 billion in taxpayer

Excerpts from this story referencing "insurance plan":

"… ilize the housing market.” For example, another program is a $10 billion insurance plan to guard against further declines in home values.But if the modification p …"

Behind the climate skepticism curtain: The Koch family and the Cato Institute

By Te-Ping Chen

The name of huge oil conglomerate Koch Industries didn’t appear anywhere on the ad the Cato Institute placed in the The Washington Post and

Excerpts from this story referencing "Cato Institute":

"… ge oil conglomerate Koch Industries didn’t appear anywhere on the ad the Cato Institute placed in the The Washington Post and other major papers Monday and over t …"

"… � has Koch’s imprint all over it.The top of the advertisement run by the Cato Institute this week.Bigger in size than either Microsoft or AT&T, Koch Industrie …"

"… ation and a major funder of climate skeptics — including the libertarian Cato Institute.Co-founded by Charles Koch in 1977, in recent years, the Cato Institute ha …"

"… an Cato Institute.Co-founded by Charles Koch in 1977, in recent years, the Cato Institute has hosted numerous D.C.-based briefings featuring various climate skeptic …"

Advocates for climate change action face pressure from lobbyists, skeptics

By Marianne Lavelle

President Obama might as well have yelled “Charge!” to the cavalry of climate change lobbyists when he released his budget plan — a plan tha

Excerpts from this story referencing "Cato Institute":

"… York. Among those on the agenda are climate skeptics from the libertarian Cato Institute, which plans a roll-out of a new book poking holes in climate science. …"

Global warming: Heated denials

By Lisa Chiu

Stand-up comedian Tim Slagle was on a roll. In a lunchtime routine tailored to 400 conference attendees, Slagle was killing ‘em with jokes a

Excerpts from this story referencing "Cato Institute":

"… d the event. Prominent speakers at the conference included the libertarian Cato Institute’s Patrick Michaels, Willie Soon of the Marshall Institute, and Václav K …"

"… f Incorporation. He has also been a director of libertarian think tank the Cato Institute, the anti-regulation Citizens for a Sound Economy (now known as FreedomWor …"

"… isclose its funding sources, saying that it relies on private support, The Cato Institute and The Foundation for Economic Education are featured partners on their w …"

A gallery of skeptics

By Lisa Chiu

Chris Horner ...

Excerpts from this story referencing "Americans for Tax Reform":

"… ectors is Grover Norquist, also the president of the anti-tax organization Americans for Tax Reform, and a leader of the modern conservative movement. Norquist worked with Ne …"

From government service to private practice

By Daniel Lathrop

Writers of telecom law move to K Street

Excerpts from this story referencing "trade":

"… to New Orleans during Mardi Gras that Pickering took at the expense of the trade group representing cell phone providers.Pickering's office did not respond …"

"… ), went on to head the Association for Local Telecommunication Services, a trade group for local phone-service providers that compete against the major pho …"

Koch's low profile belies political power

By Kevin Bogardus

Private oil company does both business and politics with the shades drawn

Excerpts from this story referencing "Koch Industries":

"… Protection Agency as a special assistant for legal and enforcement counsel. …"

"… f—unless, that is, you hang around the halls of government in Washington.Koch Industries (pronounced "coke") is a huge oil conglomerate controlled by brothers Char …"

"… about Koch, most folks think you are talking about the soft drink company."Koch Industries did not respond to repeated phone calls and emails requesting interviews f …"

"… ll Koch and his co-plaintiff shared $7.4 million; Koch told reporters that Koch Industries would also pay his legal fees.Koch's Campaign ContributionsAll told, Koch …"

Bush's new Chief of Staff once fought for polluters

By Brenda R. Mayrack

WASHINGTON, February 2, 2001 — As their top lobbyist, Andrew H. Card Jr. led a $25 million lobbying campaign on behalf of the "Big Three" U.

Excerpts from this story referencing "Environmental Protection Agency":

"… e Air Quality Standards Coalition. The coalition sought to block increased Environmental Protection Agency air pollution regulations for low-level ozone and fine particulate matter. …"

"… against increased air pollution requirements within the U.S. In 1994, the Environmental Protection Agency approved stricter regional guidelines for 12 East Coast states, which woul …"

Group to spend $10 million against candidates not hawkish on free market

By Marianne Holt and Kathryn Wallace

WASHINGTON, April 17, 2000 — A group of Wall Street investors, media executives and fiscal policy experts have created a new political group

Excerpts from this story referencing "Texas":

"… tive pedigree. He once was enlisted by House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas, on the Joint Economic Committtee and worked for the Heritage Foundation. …"

Stealth PACs revealed

By The Center for Public Integrity

February 9, 2000 — The 2000 election cycle promised to be a high-stakes and free-spending election by anyone's measure. The balance of power

Excerpts from this story referencing "Citizens for a Sound Economy":

"… ge has helped the group maintain anonymity for future campaign involvement.Citizens for a Sound Economy: The Citizens for a Sound Economy has also jumped on the 527 bandwago …"

"… ity for future campaign involvement.Citizens for a Sound Economy: The Citizens for a Sound Economy has also jumped on the 527 bandwagon this spring.The Washington-based cons …"
