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Limbaugh: ‘Eric Garner Was Not Choked,’ ‘Violation of the Truth’ to Say So


Rush Limbaugh continued to weigh in on the Eric Garner case today by saying that “Eric Garner was not choked” and it’s a “violation of the truth” to say otherwise.

Limbaugh was going off a Bo Dietl column from back in August arguing Garner wasn’t put in a chokehold. He argued it was a headlock, not a chokehold, and there has been some question as to how the NYPD defines a chokehold (which is against policy, but not illegal).

But that hasn’t exactly been a major point of discussion because either way, Garner died, and people across political lines agree the officer was negligent, at the very least, and should have been indicted. Limbaugh, though, was very insistent that the media is helping “tear our culture and our country apart” by reporting it as a chokehold.

Listen to the audio below, via The Rush Limbaugh Show:

[image via screengrab]

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