Keystone XL Pipeline Project

Keystone XL Pipeline will be the safest and most advanced oil pipeline operation in North America. It will not only bring essential infrastructure to North American oil producers, but it will also provide jobs, long-term energy independence and an economic boost to Americans.

Recent Clarifications

  • TransCanada counters inaccurate claims in the Berkshire Eagle

    We respond to inaccurate claims made by the Berkshire Eagle editorial about Keystone XL. Read more.
  • Esquire Magazine's overblown rhetoric misleads on Keystone XL

    TransCanada responds to misleading and offensive comments about our employees Read more.
  • Keystone XL: Good for Montana, good for the U.S.

    We counter erroneous claims that Keystone XL will impact gas prices in Montana Read more.
  • You have questions, we have answers

    The following series of videos speaks to the questions and comments we hear most often when we meet with landowners, community groups and lawmakers. Read more.

In The News

  • Canada has done its part and has been a willing and patient partner throughout this process. This project will enhance our relationship with Canada and increase our drive towards North American energy security and independence, and there is no consultation required to arrive at that conclusion.

    Senate Democrats letter to President Obama in support of Keystone XL
    Eleven Senate Democrats to President Obama
  • This process has been exhaustive in its time, breadth and scope. It has already taken much longer than anyone can reasonably justify. This is an international project that will provide our great friend and ally Canada, a direct route to our refineries. These refineries were specifically built to process heavy crude, and Canadian crude will help replace heavy crude imports from unstable and unfriendly countries like Venezuela.

    Senate Democrats letter to President Obama in support of Keystone XL
    Eleven Senate Democrats to President Obama
  • In the case of Canadian oil-sands production, well-to-wheels carbon dioxide emissions are between 0% and 15% higher. This is really insignificant compared with current worldwide emissions, but it is still important that the industry continues to work at reducing its carbon intensity to reduce Canada’s own emissions.

    Fatih Birol on environmental subsidies, carbon emissions and climate
    Faith Birol - IEA Chief Economist
  • Canada emits just 2% of global greenhouse gases, and the emissions from oil sands contribute 0.16% to global emissions. For context, three coal-fired power plants in the United States emit more greenhouse gases than the entire oil sands industry.

    Keystone XL makes sense
    Alex Pourbaix - TransCanada Executive Vice-President
  • It has been our experience that with vigorous review and oversight, projects like the proposed Keystone XL pipeline can be constructed and operated without jeopardizing public health or the environment.

    Letter to the State Department in support for Keystone XL from Missouri Gov.Jay Nixon
    Missouri Governor Jay Nixon
  • "Keystone XL opponents are running out of straws to grasp. Now that the Inspector General has found no conflict of interest, environmental groups should join LIUNA and others and sit down to discuss an all-of-the-above energy strategy to address climate change issues. We continue to urge the President to approve the project. It will unlock new jobs for thousands of working men and women and harness energy that a trusted neighbor can provide. Keystone isn’t just a pipeline – it is a lifeline for working men and women and for our nation’s energy security.” With IG Finding, Keystone XL Opponents are Running Out of Straws to Grasp
    Terry O'Sullivan - General President, LIUNA
  • "Killing the pipeline would have little impact on reducing the use of fossil fuels and the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, that they emit. The Canadians, if they don’t ship it through Keystone, it’s going to come by rail. The big winner from not building Keystone is Venezuela, because their heavy oil has the same carbon footprint as the oil sands. [So] Venezuela or Canada, take your pick. Who is your favorite country and who is your neighbor?”

    Boston Globe — Fossil fuels remain at the forefront, energy expert says
    Daniel Yergin — Founder, IHS CERA
  • “What we probably need is more of a pipeline infrastructure and to diminish the need for rail transport over time. Frankly, I think pipeline transport overall probably has overall a better record in terms of cost, in terms of emissions and in terms of safety.”

    Energy secretary: U.S. infrastructure unready for rail-crude boom
    U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz
  • The State Department's latest report reiterated that Keystone XL would be the safest pipeline ever built in the U.S. if TransCanada agreed to 59 additional conditions — and we have. These include additional protections like more remote shut-off valves spaced closer together, high-strength steel, more frequent inspections and burying the pipe deeper in the ground. All five federal reviews have concluded that this pipeline won't have an adverse impact on the environment or on greenhouse gas emissions. The heavy oil from the oil sands is less carbon intensive than oil currently produced in California."

    LA Times — Myth vs. fact on Keystone XL
    Alex Pourbaix — President Energy and Oil Pipelines, TransCanada
  • The State Department’s latest study — the product of more than five years of investigation — largely confirms the conclusions of previous assessments and those of many independent energy experts: Allowing the firm Trans­Canada to build Keystone XL, which would run across the Canadian border to Steele City, Neb., is unlikely to have significant effects on climate-change-causing greenhouse gas emissions. The real downside to rejecting the project concerns jobs (construction would create at least several thousand), relations with Canada and the message that arbitrary ­decision-making would send to investors and other nations."

    Keystone report from State Dept. puts common sense back in the pipeline
    Washington Post Editorial
  • "The total annual GHG emissions (direct and indirect) attributed to the No Action scenarios range from 28 to 42 percent greater than for the proposed Project [Keystone XL]."

    Department of State — Keystone XL Final SEIS
    U.S. Department of State — Final SEIS
  • The U.S. needs pipelines, "not only to improve conditions in terms of rail, but trucks. With the Keystone pipeline, we'd take 500 trucks a day off our roads in western North Dakota."

    Hoeven: Obama will approve Keystone — The Hill
    U.S. Senator John Hoeven — North Dakota

Keystone Pipeline System - Overall Map

About The Project

Keystone XL Pipeline will support the significant growth of crude oil production in the United States.
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Keystone XL Pipeline Project will provide good-paying jobs for U.S. families in addition to millions of dollars in annual tax revenue for local governments.

Jobs & Economic Benefits

Construction of the 1,179-mile Keystone XL Pipeline will require 9,000 skilled American workers.
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Environmental Responsibility

Oil pipelines are safe and efficient, and TransCanada has one of the best safety records in the industry.
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Energy Security

Keystone XL has the potential to reduce the amount of oil America imports from unstable regions of the world.
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