How to Use the Taxonomy | Main Menu

Taxonomy of the Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacy Formal Fallacy Propositional Fallacy Affirming the Consequent Denying the Antecedent Affirming a Disjunct Commutation of Conditionals Denying a Conjunct Improper Transposition The Masked Man Fallacy Probabilistic Fallacy The Base Rate Fallacy The Conjunction Fallacy The Gambler's Fallacy The Hot Hand Fallacy The Multiple Comparisons Fallacy Syllogistic Fallacy Illicit Process Illicit Major Illicit Minor Exclusive Premisses Undistributed Middle Affirmative Conclusion from a Negative Premiss Negative Conclusion from Affirmative Premisses The Four-Term Fallacy Ambiguous Middle Quantificational Fallacy The Existential Fallacy Illicit Contraposition Illicit Conversion Some are/Some are Not Quantifier Shift Modal Fallacy Modal Scope Fallacy Bad Reasons Fallacy Fallacy Fallacy Loaded Question Informal Fallacy One-Sidedness Ambiguity Quoting Out of Context Amphiboly Scope Fallacy Accent Equivocation Redefinition Accident Appeal to Ignorance Red Herring Straw Man The Genetic Fallacy Appeal to Misleading Authority Appeal to Celebrity The Etymological Fallacy Ad Hominem Poisoning the Well The Bandwagon Fallacy Tu Quoque Two Wrongs Make a Right Appeal to Consequences Appeal to Force Wishful Thinking Emotional Appeal Guilt by Association The Hitler Card Composition Division Non Causa Pro Causa Cum Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc The Regression Fallacy The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy The Black-or-White Fallacy Vagueness Overprecision Slippery Slope Appeal to Nature Begging the Question Loaded Words Question-Begging Analogy Special Pleading Weak Analogy Unrepresentative Sample Hasty Generalization The Anecdotal Fallacy

Acknowledgments: Thanks to David Goodey and Kent Gustavsson for pointing out missing links.

How to Use the Taxonomy | Main Menu