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This week
2,759Code commits
4,612Issue comments
1,133,398 people in 229 countries* speaking 180 languages power Drupal.
4.598595 -74.076658
DrupalCon Latin America
10-12 February 2015
0.3 32.6
batje committed Made maxlength remove media filters from...
50.8098759 4.4238222
37.7645955 -122.4218496
dsnopek committed Update Panopoly Search for Issue...
44.7012704 37.7807859
37.7645955 -122.4218496
dsnopek committed Issue #2387553...
41.8934637 12.5496361
0.2920797 32.6174153
Jan van Diepen committed Undid change of index machine name after...
48.9106809 2.2777183
46.8068541 -100.7861614
28.4506331 77.0755482
xan.ps committed Updating module+fixing D8 & search_api...
30.2637128965375 -97.7401519793572
28.4506331 77.0755482
xan.ps committed Updating module+fixing D8 & search_api...
53.5165331 -113.5012527
-12.4625654 130.8432582
0.2920797 32.6174153
Jan van Diepen committed Redirected user from user profile edit page...
51.2449186 0.5252384
49.4465483 11.0605538
JosefFriedrich committed Add event query methods.
37.5999938 14.0153557
55.676097 12.568337
jacobfriis committed admin-display
55.676097 12.568337
jacobfriis committed * Now defaults to write to daily log files...
Follow up on Drupal SA-2014-005, SQL Injection

On October 29, the Drupal Security Team issued a Public Service Announcement (PSA) as a follow-up to Security Advisory SA-CORE-2014-005, which disclosed a serious SQL Injection vul Read more

Call for Volunteers: Licensing Working Group

Drupal 7.34 and 6.34 released

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Affiliate program setup with uc_affiliate2
Using template (.tpl.php) files in your own module
Step 2: Create the database
Step 5: Setting up cron
Step 4: Run the installation script

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Can't see theme on localhost
Game website idea
Default Text Formant Settings for Each Content Type Based on User Role
Stock enquiry and management?
Changing form element based on other element and DB result

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