No Dirty Gold


The more you know, the less gold glows.

Retailer Profiles

Earthworks asks retailers, from large department stores to small businesses, to sign the Golden Rules,  and seek out metals from sources that meet the Golden Rules  for responsible mining. We are heartened to see that 93 retailers have made a commitment to improved standards. In these interviews we ask why they joined the campaign and how they work to implement the Golden Rules.

If you are a retailer and would like to endorse the Golden Rules, please email us a signed, dated copy of this document on your letterhead to:

Brian Leber

Brian Leber of Leber Jewelers

How do you implement the Golden Rules in your day to day business?

As one of the first and oldest jewelry companies wholly committed to social responsibility, it is simply in our DNA...

Read the full interview

Johanna Mejia

Johanna Mejia

How did you get started in the jewelry business?

I was working for a broker in the financial industry but I travelled with my husband to isolated places in Colombia and visited indigenous groups...

Read the full interview


Toby Pomeroy

Toby Pomeroy

When did you first hear about the No Dirty Gold campaign? In your opinion, what kind of impact has the campaign had in terms of raising awareness about mining impacts?

When I first saw No Dirty Gold, I had a stark realization that I was participating in the active destruction of the planet and I wasn’t ok with that.

Read the full interview

For more information:

Supporting statements from Retailers

Tarnished Gold: Assessing the Jewelry Industry's on Ethical Sourcing of Metals

Tagged with: retailers