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World Made By Hand 3


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Laughs Abound

Eleven year old Jeff Greenaway is in love and on the loose in Manhattan circa 1962.
This book will crack you up.
For adults.

Sheer antic delight” — Remsen Pilchard


Manhattan Gothic Print | Kindle | Kobo (Digital) | Barnes & Noble (Digital) Readers: if you would like a print edition of the book we ask you to patronize the CreateSpace store because they give us a better royalty than the Big Boys, Amazon, et al, and we writers need to make a living.

JHK’s novella about a boy in New York in the 1960s. Paperback – $8.00 E-book – $2.99 Click to Buy


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T his is a new and rather long interview done around Aug 1 with Piero San Giorgio, author of Survive the Economic Collapse, which was published in 2013 originally in French and then English and other languages. San Giorgio is a Swiss national who lives and works in Geneva. The setting is my living room.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9BkGCN8364JHK and Piero_YouTube

About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency, and Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology and the Fate of the Nation. His novels include World Made By Hand, The Witch of Hebron, Maggie Darling — A Modern Romance, The Halloween Ball, an Embarrassment of Riches, and many others. He has published three novellas with Water Street Press: Manhattan Gothic, A Christmas Orphan, and The Flight of Mehetabel.

3 Responses to “JHK Interview with Piero San Giorgio Aug 2014” Subscribe

  1. Karah August 14, 2014 at 3:49 am #

    Wow…we get to see JHKs unpretentious palacial estate and intimate drawing room with the mandatory wood burning fireplace and assortment of libations!

    The sound is not that great but JHK has a voice that is not timid like our frenchman using a foreign and difficult language so you can make out every word.

    What caught my neuronet were the remarks about the thinking classes and how they have gone “crazy” with the decadence of our times. He says this after listing some great thinkers and leaders of the past…Abe lincoln…Napoleon…and It reminds me of how JHK so keenly described a century of living in suburbia August 1998 in the cfn archive:

    The reconstruction of American cities and towns, and the restoration of healthy civic life, requires that we reform our system for designing and assembling the places where we live and work. It requires a restoration of common purpose among free and self-confident human beings, not cultural cowards and political crybabies.

    before that he mentions how people have become disconnected from civic life, from the places where the elite act in transparency by mingling with the lower classes, from access to responsible financial institutions. Thus, the polarizing effect of concentrated wealth and power has lead to decadence or crazy investments that have a glaze of providing general wish fulfillment…”if i have a car…a house…a 6′ gas grill…boat…jacuzzi…bidet…game room” which causes a negative feedback loop mentally and financially, how people make billions off them, not caring about their futures on a finite planet. So, they have to come up with another way to make billions…and they can not figure it out besides going to war selling weapons…a dangerous investment that can come back to bite you within your lifetme. Most leaders whom try to really help people by putting a halt to the greedy few end up being murdered. Oppression drives one nuts!

  2. pembina August 16, 2014 at 4:10 pm #

    A really nice treat for an hour and a half. Thank you!

    I just turned 66 (always imagined Jim as older than myself).

    It was good to learn of Piero and his work. I’ve been in Geneva for two months (leaving in a few days). It would be fun to meet Piero in person.

    Some thoughts on seeing Jim’s garden. It’s genuine productivity is not part of any government statistics (except that Jim uses less cash for buying food or uses cash differently). The investments of time and knowledge in the garden also don’t show up—except for the expenditures such as $800 on the hoop house.

    I really like the proposed title for the fourth “world made by hand” book. Nicely complemented by the fruit tree with no fruit this year, due to a cold and wet spring.

  3. joomlabliss August 25, 2014 at 12:47 pm #

    Nice to see that Jim is looking well and happy!! And nice to see him being excited about his garden.

    Re nightshades, you might also want to check out oxalates (oxalic acid), as they give people pains as well. Spinach and kale are in this category.

    While on paleo, ensure that you consume at least 100 gm of carbs per day, otherwise your kidneys will get out of commission with time. There is an explanation to it how and why, a simplar search on Google “low carb diet long term issues” will yield the right info.

    For joints and any arthritic pain, I urge you to research apple cider vinegar and honey (in relation to stomach acid affecting calcium and protein metabolism)

    If you have not heard of them yet, these two books were my life saviors, I managed to cure my sciatica pain that had been torturing me for 1.5 years, following the protocol suggested in these books (by the same author). This protocol also helped me increase my fitness performance and reach a new level in Yoga, which I had not able to achieve for years despite regular practice.



    I am going to read the third sequel this coming week-end!

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