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Activists Launch Truck Tour To Mock Scott Brown On Climate Change

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NextGen Climate is traveling around New Hampshire campaigning against Republican candidate Scott Brown. | NextGen Climate

A progressive environmental group is traveling around New Hampshire in a truck, taunting Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown about his record on climate change.

The group, NextGen Climate, said it was launching the truck tour to "remind Granite State voters of Scott Brown’s record of support for Big Oil tycoons, like the Koch brothers, at the expense of New Hampshire families." The pickup is loaded with barrels marked "oil."

NextGen Climate kicked off the effort at Dartmouth College in Hanover on Monday, and is running a Twitter account documenting the trip. The campaign will run through Election Day, and has at least 25 events planned.

Billionaire investor Tom Steyer launched the organization last year to make climate change a political issue in this election cycle.

The group's New Hampshire campaign is a parody of Brown's pickup truck tour during his 2012 campaign for the Senate in Massachusetts. Brown lost that race to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D), but is now running in New Hampshire against incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen.

Brown appears to have ditched the truck for this year's campaign, however; he's been spotted traveling the state in an SUV instead.

NextGen Climate's campaign also ridicules Brown's move to New Hampshire, displaying a sign from the 2012 campaign on the truck that has "Massachusetts" crossed out and "NH" scrawled in.

Brown drew ire from climate change activists last month when he declared in a debate that he does not believe it has been scientifically proven that human activity is affecting the climate. His stance represents a shift from the 2012 campaign, during which he said "I do believe man plays a role" in causing climate change.

Earlier this year, Brown also tried to thwart a bipartisan energy efficiency bill that Shaheen has championed.

The Brown campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

NextGen Climate has pledged to spend as much as $100 million on the 2014 election, targeting candidates that the group feels are not adequately addressing climate change. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the group has spent $22 million so far this cycle.

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