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The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Advancing Austrian Economics, Liberty, and Peace

Advancing the scholarship of liberty in the tradition of the Austrian School

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World War I in Our Minds: A Historical View

With 100 years having passed since the start of the First World War, the view of the war among historians and the public has evolved in many ways. Historian Hunt Tooley examines the turning points in how the world sees the Great War.

The Fed’s New Labor-Market Measure

Simply knowing employment trends tells us little about whether or not real wealth is being created in the economy.

Mises Economics Blog

Matt McCaffrey: I Only Read It for the Articles! Rothbard’s Penthouse Interview
In the 1970s, Penthouse magazine had a reputation for featuring the ideas of unorthodox political thinkers and movements. That’s why in October 1976 it interviewed Murray Rothbard to ask about the rapidly-growing philosophy of libertarianism. This in ... More »

Mark Thornton: The Fed as Stock Market Manipulator
The notion that the Federal Reserve has been acting to manipulate stock markets has been active for decades, but rarely has that notion been openly discussed in the mainstream media. In this article by Howard Gold the Fed is praised for its market ti ... More »

Randall Holcombe: Obama Appointee Supports Individual Rights
I’ve been critical of the Obama administration in the past, so it’s nice to find something positive to say. This article says that President Obama’s new acting head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, Vanita Gupta “supports decriminali ... More »

Ryan McMaken: Would 'President Rothbard' Shut Down Flights to West Africa?
Last week in The American Spectator, Emily Zanotti noted that the Obama administration refuses to intervene and shut down flights between West Africa and the US: Yesterday, the White House reiterated that a ban on flights originating in outbreak ... More »

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In the Mises Store

Place of Economics in Learning, The

We’ve put into print a single chapter from Human Action, “The Place of Economics in Learning.” We picked it because it provides an excellent overview of the Misesian worldview concerning economics... More »

The Law

How is it that the law enforcer itself does not have to keep the law? How is it that the law permits the state to lawfully engage in actions which, if undertaken by individuals, would land them in j... More »

Anatomy of the State

This gives a succinct account of Rothbard’s view of the state. Following Franz Oppenheimer and Albert Jay Nock, Rothbard regards the state as a predatory entity. It does not produce anything... More »

Newly Updated E-books

Planned Chaos

"Woodrow Wilson's Defeat in Yugoslavia: The End of a Multicultural Utopia"

Making Economic Sense

Anatomy of the State

The Private Production of Defense

Online Courses in the Mises Academy See All Courses

"Austrian Macroeconomics"
This course builds upon the basic analytic principles of Austrian economics... (more) Register Now

"Human Action: Austrian Economics & Philosophy"
It is perhaps the most important and profound book ever written. Yet how ma... (more) Register Now

"Anatomy of the Fed"
This course covers both the theory and history behind the Federal Reserve, ... (more) Register Now

"Why Capitalism?"
Forget Ronald Reagan; Henry Hazlitt was the true “great communicator.” Espe... (more) Register Now

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Mises Circle West Coast Regional 2014 in Costa Mesa

Mises Circle West Coast Regional 2014 in Costa Mesa
| Costa Mesa, California


Mises Circle Southwest Regional 2015 in Houston

Mises Circle Southwest Regional 2015 in Houston
| Houston, Texas


Austrian Economics Research Conference 2015

Austrian Economics Research Conference 2015
| Auburn, AL


High School and College Seminar

High School and College Seminar
| Auburn, Alabama


East Coast Regional Mises Circle 2015

East Coast Regional Mises Circle 2015
| Stamford, Connecticut


Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2015

Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2015
| Auburn, Alabama


Mises University 2015

Mises University 2015
| Auburn, Alabama