TIME conflict

American Teacher’s Family Reels After Abu Dhabi Killing

American schoolteacher Ibolya Ryan who was killed in a stabbing attack in the restroom of the Boutik Mall on the upscale Reem Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
American schoolteacher Ibolya Ryan who was killed in a stabbing attack in the restroom of the Boutik Mall on the upscale Reem Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Footprints Recruiting /AP

"We are in shock"

The mother of an American teacher killed in Abu Dhabi has not been told the truth about her daughter’s death, a relative said Friday. Ibolya Ryan’s mother, who lives in Romania, was told she died in a car crash to spare her the gruesome details of Monday’s mall stabbing, sister-in-law Irina Balazsi told NBC News. Balazsi said Ryan’s brother, who is ill, was not even told she is dead. “We are in shock,” Balazsi said.

Ryan, 47, was born in Romania but was a United States citizen. She had taught in three other countries over the last 15 years before going to the United Arab Emirates with her 11-year-old sons in September 2013…

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Confederate-Flag License Plates Get Supreme Court Scrutiny

Confederate Flag License Plate Georgia
A new Georgia license plate featuring the Confederate battle flag. Georgia Department of Revenue/AP

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case involving the image of a Confederate flag on a license plate and decide how much control state governments can exert over slogans and messages on vehicle tags. The court will hear an appeal from the state of Texas, which refused five years ago to approve a specialty plate for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, including a logo of a Confederate battle flag surrounded by group’s name and the year 1896.

After hearing public comments, the state motor vehicle authority rejected the request, explaining that “many members of the general public find the design offensive,” and associate the flag “with organizations advocating expressions of hate…”

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TIME celebrities

Bill Cosby’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Got Vandalized

Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby speaks to an audience on the campus of the University of the District of Columbia in 2006, in Washington D.C. LAWRENCE JACKSON—AP

Cosby has been accused of sexual abuse or assault by over 20 women

Bill Cosby’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was vandalized Thursday night, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce said Friday.

The word “rapist” was written multiple times on the star, according to a photo posted Thursday by a Houston TV station.

“When people are unhappy with one of our honorees, we would hope that they would project their anger in more positive ways then to vandalize a California State landmark,” said a spokeswoman from the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which awards the stars, in a statement.

Cosby has been accused of sexual abuse or assault by over 20 women, many who spoke out for the first time in the last few months…

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TIME russia

Putin’s Tigers Go On Killing Spree in China

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, left, looks at the tranquilized five-year-old Ussuri tiger as researchers put a collar with a satellite tracker on the animal in a Russian Academy of Sciences reserve in Russia's Far East on Aug. 31, 2008.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, left, looks at the tranquilized five-year-old Ussuri tiger as researchers put a collar with a satellite tracker on the animal in a Russian Academy of Sciences reserve in Russia's Far East on Aug. 31, 2008. Alexei Druzhinin—AP

Another border incursion from Russia

Russia’s latest border incursion has farmers on edge in northeastern China, where the authorities have banned them from climbing, hiking and collecting wood in a mountainous area where the two nations meet.

The border has been breached by two large Siberian tigers that were personally released into the wild with much fanfare by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Both appear to have an appetite for Chinese food: One of the duo, called Ustin, went on a killing spree earlier this week, leaving 15 Chinese goats dead. Three more are missing.

Its partner in crime, Kuzya, crossed the border a month earlier…

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TIME celebrities

Navy Revokes Bill Cosby’s Honorary Title Amid Sex Assault Claims

Bill Cosby during an interview about the upcoming exhibit, Conversations: African and African-American Artworks in Dialogue, at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art in Washington. ON NOV. 6, 2014.
Bill Cosby during an interview about the upcoming exhibit, "Conversations: African and African-American Artworks in Dialogue," at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 6, 2014 Evan Vucci—AP

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus called the allegations "very serious"

The Navy has revoked Bill Cosby’s honorary title in light of allegations he sexually assaulted a string of women over decades. “The Navy is taking this action because allegations against Mr. Cosby are very serious and are in conflict with the Navy’s core values of honor, courage and commitment,” Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus said in a statement. The comedian — who spent four years in the Navy — was given the title of honorary Chief Petty Officer in 2011.

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‘Unprecedented': Drug May Help Heal Damaged Spine

The drug helped rats with spinal injuries move their back legs again

Researchers say they’ve developed a drug that may help heal a damaged spine — the first time anything like a drug has been shown to help.

The drug works on nerve cells that are cut, sending connections across the break, and it helped injured rats move their back legs again and also gave them back control of their bladders.

“This recovery is unprecedented,” said Jerry Silver, a neuroscience professor at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio who led the study.

Right now, there’s no good way to heal a broken spine. Sometimes people grow nerve cells back, but usually not. […]

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TIME Yemen

Al Qaeda Threatens to Execute U.S. Hostage in Yemen

A video grab taken from a propaganda video released by al-Malahem Media on Dec. 4, 2014 purportedly shows hostage Luke Somers, 33, kidnapped more than a year ago in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, calling for help and saying that his life is in danger.
A video grab taken from a propaganda video released by al-Malahem Media on Dec. 4, 2014 purportedly shows hostage Luke Somers, 33, kidnapped more than a year ago in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, calling for help and saying that his life is in danger. AFP/Getty Images

In video gunmen threaten the life of Luke Somers

Militants in Yemen have released a video threatening to execute a British-born American hostage in three days if its demands to the U.S. government are not met, according to a company that monitors terrorist groups.

The video from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which was purportedly released Thursday, does not specify what those demands are, SITE Intelligence Group said. But in a translation provided by the company, AQAP accuses the U.S. of bombing its fighters. In the video, a man the group claims is U.S. citizen Luke Somers is threatened with execution.

TIME Crime

Protests Erupt After Cop in Eric Garner Chokehold Death Not Indicted

A large crowd of protesters took over a section of Manhattan’s West Side Highway and were in a standoff with police Wednesday evening, hours after a grand jury declined to indict a white police officer in the death of an unarmed black man on Staten Island earlier this summer — in a case that was recorded on video and showed the dead man crying “I can’t breathe.”

A crowd estimated to number more than 100 was on the highway and was seen being pushed north by a line of police officers wearing helmets and armed with batons at around 9:30 p.m. …

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TIME Crime

Report: Grand Jury Declines to Indict NYPD Officer in Eric Garner Chokehold Death

The panel determined there was not probable cause that a crime was committed

A New York City grand jury has declined to indict an NYPD officer in the chokehold case of Eric Garner, the unarmed man who died while being arrested on Staten Island earlier this year, multiple sources familiar with the decision tell NBC 4 New York.

In opting not to indict, the panel determined there was not probable cause that a crime was committed by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, who was seen on a widely watched amateur video wrapping his arm around Garner’s neck as Garner yelled, “I can’t breathe!” during the summer altercation.

Pantaleo was the only NYPD member facing possible indictment…

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TIME People

Michael Brown’s Stepfather Says Emotions ‘Got the Best of Me’

Ferguson Grand Jury decision in Michael Brown shooting
The mother of Michael Brown, Lesley McSpadden and her husband Louis Head gesture after the announced decision by the Grand Jury in FergusonMo. on Nov. 24, 2014. Larry W. Smith—EPA

"I was so angry and full of raw emotions, as so many others were"

The stepfather of Michael Brown said Wednesday that his emotions “got the best of me” when he urged a crowd in Ferguson, Missouri, to “burn this bitch down” after a grand jury declined to indict a white police officer for shooting his stepson to death.

In a statement obtained by NBC News, Louis Head, who is married to Brown’s mother, apologized to those “who read my pain and anger as a true desire for what I want for our community. It wasn’t.”

Authorities are considering whether to charge Head for inciting a riot. Angry crowds burned buildings, looted stores and…

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