
Hark! The Return of the Politiquiz

Still recovering from your Thanksgiving feast? Confined to your relatives’ homes with nothing to do but squabble over religion, sports allegiances (get it together, Pats!), and politics? If it’s the last of those, impress your family and friends with an informed analysis of the 2014 midterms. Here are some key talking points to work in while fixing yourself…

Under the proposed rules, the FAA would regulate small drones like this one the same way as those weighing 55 lbs.
(flickr/Don McCullough)

Drone Lobby Taking Flak from the FAA

The lobbying effort to allow commercial drone use looks set to take a major hit, with the Federal Aviation Administration planning to issue a series of long-awaited regulations as soon as the end of December. And given what the FAA will be proposing, according to a report this week in the Wall Street Journal, businesses hoping to make use…

Tea Party Army founder Charles Benninghoff.

Tea Party Army: Self-Dealing Officers Prey on Small Donors

The Tea Party Army’s fundraising appeals are not subtle. A recent e-mail sent by the group, a super PAC, warns the reader that when George W. Bush left office, there were 1.8 million Muslims living America, and now there are “close to 7 million.” “This horde of new Muslims may be quiet for now,” the…

Incoming Democratic Rep. Gwen Graham, who will help propel the number of women in the House to a historic high.  (AP Photo/Steve Cannon)

Year of the Woman — Just Not the Republican Woman

When the 114th Congress convenes in January, there will be 84 women in the House — a record number. Yet despite the fact that Republicans had a far better Election Day, it is Democrats driving this trend. In the next Congress, 62 of the House members who are women will be Democrats – about a…


Thanksgiving Giving

Thanksgiving is a holiday steeped in traditions: watching the Detroit Lions lose, blaming tryptophan for your food coma and making yourself scarce when it comes time to do the dishes.


New OpenSecrets Issue Profile: E-Cigarettes

Vaping is hot. Use of electronic cigarettes is on a steady rise — the overall market value was estimated to be between $1 and $1.7 billion last year. Even the term has achieved the ultimate mark of respectability: “Vaping” was recently named Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionaries. Fittingly, we’ve made this the latest…

Rep. Chris Gibson (R-N.Y.) is the only Republican to cross the aisle on a recent vote to overhaul the EPA's Science Advisory Board.  (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

Breaking Party Ranks on EPA Science Vote

The Environmental Protection Agency is supposed to base its major decisions on science — good science. But what is good science and how do you decide it? Since 1978, the EPA has had a science advisory board tasked with helping answer those questions. But, because this is Washington, nothing is ever that simple. Last week,…

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.
(flickr/World Economic Forum)

Goldman May Hear Harsh Words at Hearing, But Has Backed Many on Panel

As Goldman Sachs prepares for more unwelcome publicity tomorrow at a Senate Banking Committee hearing, these things are certain: The financial giant’s many lobbyists will be working in overdrive, and the company’s million-dollar PAC will be considering writing checks to a host of lawmakers — some of them on the House or Senate Banking Committees.…

listening ears

We Want Your Feedback!

Now that the midterms are over, we’d like to take a moment to breathe — and to ask for your help. We process mountains of data on campaign finance, lobbying and lawmakers’ personal finances, slicing and dicing and analyzing the heck out of it. We publish original, award-winning journalism on these topics. And we put…


Senate Keystone “Yea” Votes Took In Six Times More Oil & Gas Money Than Opponents

Senate Democrats successfully blocked a bill Tuesday that would have approved construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The controversial measure fell one vote shy of overcoming a filibuster, with 59 senators supporting it and 41 opposing. The vote followed the bill’s approval in the House by a much wider margin, with 252 lawmakers voting to advance the pipeline.…