
The Nation

Introducing the Nation Builders

Books and the Arts

Behind Richard Pryor’s jokes and barbs was a man yearning to be free.

Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing as a creature of secrets in The Imitation Game.

Swagger and survival in Foxcatcher and Red Army

Ebooks - Molly Ivins

News and Analysis


From ALEC to the Heritage Foundation, a group of anti-labor stalwarts is looking to turn cities and counties into “right-to-work” zones.

President Obama and Chuck Hagel

In the end, Hagel, who came to regret his reluctant vote to invade Iraq, evidently proved an uncomfortable fit.

Ferguson riot police

It’s not just Ferguson—here’s how the system protects police.


Is our language broken and suddenly in need of repair?

Egyptian Military

Life in the Sinai is now defined by curfews, checkpoints, house raids and arbitrary arrests.

United Nations

Caving to outside pressure, this week the organization added women to the High-level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations—but it still falls short of gender parity.

antiretroviral tablets

Newly filed documents reveal that the controversial evangelical organization is still getting federal funds to provide HIV prevention programs in Uganda and Zambia.

Keystone Protest

Pipeline apologists tell us the president’s decision isn’t that important for the climate—the dirty oil will flow anyway. Here’s why they’re wrong.




‘It Hurts Me So Much’: A Dispatch From Ferguson Read more››

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